Instability in the Republic

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  • Instability in the Republic 1649-1660
    • Religion
      • Radical groups
        • Quakers
          • Posed as a threat to the future of the Republic
          • James Naylor case
            • Went against Cromwell's desire for religious tolerence
        • Ranters
          • Seen as unholy and were persecuted
      • Cromwell wanting religious tolerence
      • England was now a Puritan nation and had Puritan reforms
        • Disliked by many
      • Constant uprisings
    • Economy
      • Bad harvests 1649/1650
      • Expeditions to Ireland and Scotland were expensive
    • Politics
      • Radical groups
        • Levellers / Diggers (true levellers)
          • Preached for equality for all men
          • Especially appealed to the army
      • Rump Parliament
        • Conservative (didn't want to change)
          • Angered the army
        • Supposed to be temporary but didn't want to lose the power they had
        • Was dissolved by Cromwell in 1653
          • They agreed to suspend discussions but continued to do so in secret
    • Unpopularity
      • Refusal to acknowledge the Commonwealth after the regicide
        • Even those who didn't like the king condemned it
      • Disliking new reforms, like the Major Generals control
    • Foreign Relations
      • Threat of war against the Dutch in 1652
        • Refusal to pay the new Navigation Tax that allows them to trade over the channel
      • Scots acknowledged Charles II as their leader
      • Threat of Royalist invasion from Ireland
        • Cromwell leading a conquest of Ireland, causing tension
    • Oliver Cromwell
      • Hypocritical
        • Did things he criticised the King for doing
          • Dissolving Parliament early
          • Extravagant ceremonies
      • 'ideological schizophrenia'
        • Thought more of himself than he should (having delusions of grandeur)
        • Saw himself as a religious figure (Moses parting the ocean, Abraham sacrificing his son)
      • Unpopular
        • People didn't like his new reforms and condemned his for allowing a regicide
    • The Military
      • Major Generals + Military Rule
        • Unpopular
        • Repressive reforms (no christmas, no activities, nothing deemed as unreligious 1656
      • Constant uprisings
        • NMA demanding to be paid for their efforts in the Civil Wars
          • Supporting the Levellers, who promised equality for all men
  • Oliver Cromwell
    • Hypocritical
      • Did things he criticised the King for doing
        • Dissolving Parliament early
        • Extravagant ceremonies
    • 'ideological schizophrenia'
      • Thought more of himself than he should (having delusions of grandeur)
      • Saw himself as a religious figure (Moses parting the ocean, Abraham sacrificing his son)
    • Unpopular
      • People didn't like his new reforms and condemned his for allowing a regicide


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