Influences of early childhood attachments on future relationships

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  • The influence of early attachments on childhood and adult relationships
    • Romantic relationships in adulthood
      • Hazan and Shaver - the Love Quiz
        • Procedure: analysed 620 responses to a love-quiz posted in a local newspaper.
          • Findings: 56% securely attached; 25% avoidant; 19% resistant. Those that were type B were most likely to have good and long-lasting relationships.Avoidant respondents were jealous and had a fear of intimacy.
    • Relationships in later childhood
      • Type B children form the most secure childhood friendships
      • Insecure resistant children are most likely to. Be bullies
      • Insecure-avoidant children are imost likely to be a victim of bullying
    • Relationships in adulthood as a parent
      • IWM influences an individual’s own parenting style. It is based on the parenting they grew up with
        • Attachment styles are as such “passed down” through generations
      • Bailey et al 1999: studied 99 women’s attachments to their own mother and to their child
        • The majority had the same attachment type both as their baby and their mother.
    • The internal working model
      • IWM is a schematic template which is based on an individual’s first attachments and shapes later relationships
      • Someone with a positive IWM will seek out loving relationships which mimic the one they experiences in childhood
      • Someone with a negative IWM may seek out harmful relationships which mimic their experiences in childhood


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