How did the Bolsheviks move to consolodate their power.

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  • How did the Bolsheviks move to consolidate their power?
    • The Sovnarkom.
      • Bolsheviks seized power in the name of the Soviets
        • No intention of letting them rule alongside them.
      • It took the new government 10 days and the use of armed forces to get bank vaults open.
      • Many soviets in the factories and the army under Menshevik control.
      • Lenin recognised the new government had to give the people what they wanted to survive.
        • LAND DECREE
    • The War
      • Initially issued a decree on PEACE. This caused for all nations to cease the fighting.
        • Lenin believed that communist revolutions would break out all over Europe that would ensure fair peace.
        • The decree was ignored by both Germans and allies.
      • Lenin believed he needed peace at any price to ensure the survival of the regime.
        • There was no army to fight the Germans and when they advanced into Ukraine, Lenin was seriously concerned for the safety of Petrograd.
          • Lenin had few supporters in the Bolsheviks in Jan 1917. Stalin was a key ally who argued "There is no other way out: either we obtain a breathing space or else it's the death of the revolution.
      • As the army disintegrated Lenin tried to convince the new government to sign a separate peace with the Germans.
        • Most were opposed to any concession with the Germans believing it would be a "Stanion the banner of Bolshevism" and undermine the revolution abroad.
      • Trotsky was the Bolshevik negotiator and tried to keep the war going as long as possible.
        • He hoped a revolution would break out in Germany and Austria.
          • He wanted out of talks in late Jan 1917. In response the Germans advanced 150 miles in 5 days (further than the entire previous 3 years.)
            • Peace terms are accepted after Lenin threatens to resign. Trotsky resigns as Commisar for foreign Affairs.
    • Dealing with political opposition.
      • The Bolsheviks tried to remain popular so had to crush any opposition.
      • They immediately closed down the newspapers of all other political parties.
      • In Dec 1917, Lenin set up the CHEKA- main instrument of terror in communist Russia.
        • CHEKA'S reputation of attacking political opponents was extraordinary.
          • The unleashing of 'Red terror' in 1918 led to the death and imprisonment of thousands of Bolshevik opponents.
      • Government set up semi-independent governments in Belarus, Ukraine and Georgia.
      • Striking civil servants who were viewed as causing the new government problems were sacked and arrested.
        • The civil service was purged and junior members willing to support the Bolsheviks were promoted.
    • The Constituent assembly.
      • elections to the new assembly took place in early Nov. Bolsheviks not in a position to stop them happening across the country
      • When the results were known in Jan, it became apparent that the Bolsheviks had not won a majority
        • The Socialist Revolutionaries had twice the number of votes. Lenin argued the Soviet represented a higher form of democracy.
      • Bolsheviks allowed the assembly to meet once in Jan
        • deputies told to go home and the doors closed. People demonstrated outside and soldiers loyal to Lenin and the Bolsheviks opened fire on them




hi sorry is it possible to get this mindmap without it being cut out please?

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