Group communication

A mind-map I made about group communication, going towards the second part in the As level Communication and culture exam.

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  • Group Communication
    • What must apply to make a group?
      • There must be interaction and some sort of relationship
      • Share common goals, purposes or interests and recognise theese
      • Accept common values or norms of behaviour.
      • Develop set roles of behaviour and group members have an identity.
    • Categories of groups
      • Friendship, Family, Work
    • A number of people who are classed together, usually with a common purpose.
      • How much time you put into a group
        • Primary-Small and intimate regular contact face to face. Secondary- Larger and more impersonal.
    • Roles: Assigned- Determind by others (out of our control) & Assumed -Roles we have determind for ourselves
      • Perceived role- How you see your role. Enacted role- How you play the role. Expected- How other people expect you to do it.
        • ROLES: Energizer  Ideas people, Action People, Organizers  Uncommitted.
    • Kurt Le wins four main styles of leadership
      • Autocratic- With a dominant leader to make decisions
      • Democratic- Includes colleugues and encourages discussion
      • Laissez-Faire- Lets everybody get on with their own jobs without disturbance


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