Germany mindmap

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  • GERMANY 1919-1939
    • Nazi Germany
      • 1932
        • Von Papen lost chancellorship
        • Von Schleicher becomes chancellor
        • Nazis become largest single party
      • 1930
        • Nazi got 107 seats in election
      • 1933
        • Von Schleicher resigns
        • Von Papen makes deals with Hindenburg to get Hitler as Chancellor and Von Papen as vice president so they could have better control over Hitler.
          • Hindenburg disagreed and made Hitler chancellor.
        • Reichstag fire
        • Dachau concentration camp opened
        • Hindenburg disagreed and made Hitler chancellor.
        • Enabling act
      • 1935
        • Nuremberg laws
      • 1934
        • Hitler becomes fuhrer
        • Hindenburg dies
        • Night of the long Knives
      • 1936
        • Berlin olympics
      • 1939
        • WW2
      • 1938
        • Jews had to register properties to make it easier for Nazis to take
        • Jewish doctors/lawyers etc couldn't treat Aryan patients
        • Kristallnacht
        • Jews passports require a J stamp
        • Jews aren't allowed health insurance
        • Jews expelled from school
    • Weimar Germany
      • 1919
        • Treaty of Versailles was signed
          • Bad reactions as Germany were blamed for WW1 and had to pay expensive reparations.
        • January Spartacists uprisings (left wing).
      • 1920
        • Kapp Putsch (Right wing)
        • Hitler became leader of Nazi party.
      • 1921
        • Hitler creates SA
      • 1923
        • Occupation of the Ruhr.
        • Beer Hall Putsch
        • Hyperinflation
      • 1924
        • Streseman comes into power
        • Hitlers put into prison
        • Mein Kampf written
        • Change in Nazi policy.
        • First election 52 seats won
        • Dawes Plan
      • 1929
        • Wall Street Crash
        • The Great Depression
        • The Young Plan
        • Death of Stresemann
      • 1925
        • French ended occupation of the Ruhr
        • Locarno Treaty
        • Hindenburg elected president
      • 1918
        • Kaiser fled
          • Leading to the setting up of new Republic.
      • 1926
        • Germany joined the League of Nations
      • 1928
        • Kellogg Briand Pact


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