Functions of the separated organs involved in the reproductive system of a male dog

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  • Functions of the separated organs involved in the reproductive system of a male dog
    • Sctotum
      • The scrotum contains the testes as well as nerves and many blood vessels. The  job of the scrotum is to keep the testicles at a controlled temperature that is slightly lower then the average body temperature.
    • glans penis
      • This is the swelling towards the end of the penis that prevents the dogs separating imminently after a ***********
    • penis
      • The penis is used as a reproductive organ as well as a excretory organ. The job of the penis is to erect during sexual reproduction as it causes semen to be delivered more effectively into the vagiana
    • testes/testicles
      • This is used to produce sperm and male sex hormones
    • prostate
      • The function of the prostate gland is to releases a fluid that will help the sperm survive longer outside the body.
    • urethra
      • This is a hollow tube that originates at the neck of the bladder and runs through the penis. Its function is to transport urine and semen during mating.


lucy simkins


this is for MALE dogs..... hope it helps.

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