Fieldwork and Research Crowded Coasts

  • Created by: Miss T
  • Created on: 26-12-12 12:00
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  • Fieldwork and Research - Crowded Coasts
    • Research
      • – This can tell you the quality of beaches and compare them to other beaches in the UK
      • Old newspapers- This can tell you if things have happened in the area or changed. It can also tell you if the management techniques have been successful or if any have been put in
      • Old pictures and maps- This can allow you to work out the rate of erosion and also if the land use has changed
      • Census data- This allows you to see the population number and if it has changed
    • Fieldwork
      • Carrying out pedestrian count, traffic flow and car parking surveys conducted in and out of season- This allows you to look at the infrastructure and whether the tourism is seasonal
      • Surveys of the age of buildings- This allows you to see the growth of the place and the pattern
      • Land use surveys- To do this you use a large scale base map and give the buildings different codes depending on what they are. This can tell you about what the area is like and where things are located
      • Mapping the location of tourist attractions- This allows you to see where the tourist attractions are located which allows you to see whether they are located in one area or all around.
      • Questionnaires- You should use open questions and ask at different times of the day and year. It can tell you people’s views and ideas
      • Beach pollution surveys- You can do these to work out the state of the beach. If there is less litter then the beach has a better quality than if there is a lot
      • Cost benefit analysis- This allows you to see whether areas are high value or not. This is used when deciding management techniques
      • EQI-Scoring an area on aesthetics, biodiversity, amenity and vulnerability on a scale of 0 to 5 with 5 being great value
      • Bipolar analysis- This allows you to give a score from -3 to 3 with -3 being negative and 3 being positive


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