Elizabeth: How successful was the Government of Elizabeth I?

  • Created by: Rolloh04
  • Created on: 03-02-20 18:57
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  • The Coronation and Popularity of Elizabeth I
    • Coronated at Westminster Abbey on the 15th January 1558
    • Character
      • loved dancing, riding, music, archery, needlework
      • good education, quick tempered, unwillingness to spend money, spoke several languages, theology
    • Portraits
      • projected royal authority, official portraits
      • hid: small pox scars, black teeth, thinning hair, white powdered face
      • propaganda- monarch is ageless and successful, images become less and less attractive as she gets older
    • Appearance
      • importance of projecting majesty and power, pride in appearance,
      • ornaments, clothes and jewels
    • Royal Progresses
      • touring countryside, stayed in nobles homes, during summer months, never went north, expensive demanded gifts, 10 weeks a year the whole court went on tour


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