Development Dilemmas

  • Created by: Lily
  • Created on: 30-12-13 17:38
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  • Development Dilemmas
    • Human Development Index (HDI)
        • Life expectancy
        • Literacy rate
        • GDP per capita
      • Gives measurement between 0 and 1 (closer to 1 = better)
      • Reflects the quality of life in the nation
    • Rostow's Modernisation Theory
      • THE 5 STAGES
        • 1: Traditional Society = subsistence farming, trade
          • Rapid growth
            • 3: Take Off = Industrialisation, FDI, political change
        • 2: Transitional Stage = specialization,surplus to trade, infrastructure
          • Rapid growth
            • 3: Take Off = Industrialisation, FDI, political change
        • 4: Drive to Maturity = diversification, innovation, investment, less reliance on imports
          • Growth stablises
            • 5: High Mass Consumption = consumer oriented, dominant tertiary sector, durable goods flourish
        • 5: High Mass Consumption = consumer oriented, dominant tertiary sector, durable goods flourish
      • One way theory, assumes all countries will always move forward + go through each stage
        • Some countries will stall and fall back (Iraq) + some skip stages (UAE with oil)
      • States that countries develop over time as income rises
        • Pre-conditions must be met (eg investment) before can develop and industrialise
          • Once pre conditions met, development speeds up = industrialisation b/c factories built + jobs created.
    • Impacts of 3 Gorges Dam
      • Chinese Government
        • Dam massive success
        • Boosted economy by generating thousands of jobs
        • Gave world positive view of China + their design and construction skills (can be exported to other countries for profit)
        • Helps reach emission targets b/c can use hydropower (HEP)
        • Aided movement along Rostow's Model and development pathway.
      • Displaced People
        • Rural fishermen and farmers moved along Yangtze River
        • Over 1mill forced from villages close to river + moved upland to homes which cracked due to landslides caused by building of dam
        • Many lost jobs and forced to move to urban areas like Chongqing to find new work= loss of traditional life.
      • Residents of Chongqing
        • Benefited from being opened up by wider river, trade increased as larger ships can come in and out
        • More TNCs located there = more jobs
        • New jobs higher paid/more reliable than farming
        • City grown and developed + infrastructure improved
        • Damprovides cheaper reliable HEP energy
        • All positives = improve quality of life


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