Curitiba- case study

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  • Curitiba- case study
    • a city in Brazil with the aims to improve the environment, reduce pollution and waste and improve the quality of life of residents
    • it works towards sustainability in different ways:
      • 1) Reducing car use
        • a good bus system used by more than 1.4million passengers per day
        • its an 'express' bus system- there are special pre-boarding stations that reduce boarding times and bus only lanes speeding up journey's
        • same cheap fair is for all journey's, benefiting poorer residents
        • over 200km of bike paths in the city
      • 2) Plenty of open spaces and conserved natural environments
        • green space increased from 0.5m squared per person to 52m
        • has over 1000 parks and natural areas
        • residents have planted 1.5 million trees along the city streets
        • builders are given tax breaks if their projects include green spaces
      • 3) good recycling schemes
        • 70% of curitiba's rubbish is recycled
        • residents in poorer areas where the streets are too narrow for a weekly rubbish collection are given food and bus tickets for bringing their recycling into local collection centres
    • has a population of 1.8 million
    • How successful?
      • reduction in car use means less pollution- environment won't be damaged so much for people in the future
      • open spaces and conserving the natural environment means people in the future will still be able to use this open space
      • high level of recycling means fewer resources are used and less waste has to go to landfill.
      • 99% of people said they were happy with their town


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