Chemical Reactions (free radical substitution, electrophilic addition and nuclear substitution)

  • Created by: Sophia
  • Created on: 06-05-14 15:58
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  • Chemical Reactions
    • Free Radical Substitution
      • Species involved: Alkane + Halogen ---> Halogenoalkane
      • Bond splitting: Homolytic Fission
      • Conditions: UV light/ high temperatures
      • Mechanism
        • 1) Initiation: Covalent bond breaks by homolytic fission to create two radicals
        • 2)Propagation: Products are  made in this step
        • 3)Termination: where two radicals come together.
    • Nucleophilic substitution
      • Species involved: halogenoalkanes + OH-   ----> Alcohol
      • Bond splitting: heterolytic fission
      • Conditions: hot aqueous alkali (KOH/ NaOH)
    • Electrophilic addition
      • Species involved: alkene + hydrogen halide (HCL/HBR/HI) +hydrogen +halogen
      • Bond Splitting: heterolytic fission


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