Characteristics of Ingredients

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  • Characteristics of ingredients
    • Raising agents: Makes product light and helps it to rise.It is important a raising agent is measured accurately.A raising agent needs to be mixed evenly throughout the mixture.
    • eggs: Trap air in the mixture.Contain albumen which helps add air.Holds fat in an emulsion and contains lecithin which helps keep the emulsion stable.Adds flavour and colour to the product.
    • flour: Forms the main structure of a product. Works with a raising agent to help the product rise.
    • fat: Holds in air bubbles which creates texture and volume.Adds colour and flavour. Produces a cake which melts in the mouth. Increases the products shelf life.
    • liquid: Helps mixture rise because it produces steam as the mixture evaporates. Water, milk and other liquids can be added to a product. Liquids combine with flour to form gluten.
    • sugar: Helps hold air in mixture.Increases the products final volume.Sweetens the mixture and adds flavour to it.


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