Celebrations and Commemorations - Living the Muslim Life - Islam

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  • Celebrations and Commemorations
    • Living the Muslim Life
    • Id-ul-Adhu
      • End of Hajj
      • Sacrifice an Animal
        • Remembers account where Ibrahim was asked by Allah to sacrifice Ismael
      • Donate money
      • Give gifts and wear new clothes
    • Id-ul-Fitr
      • End of Sawm - 'breaking of the fast'
      • First celebrated by Muhammad
      • Attend Mosque, wear new clothes, share a meal, give money
    • Id-ul-Ghadeer
      • Shi'a only
      • Celebrates the appointment of Ali (successor to Muhammad)
    • Ashura
      • Sunni
        • Commemorates the history of Islam
          • Nuh fasting
          • Untitled
      • Shi'a
        • Celebrates the martyrdom of Hussain (Muhammad's grandson)
        • Wear black
        • Self-flagellation (some - mostly condemned)
        • Donate blood


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