Catering and Hospitality

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  • Catering
    • Record Keeping
      • Bills of customers
      • Table bookings
      • invoices
      • Staff Rotas
      • Accident books
      • Stock Control Sheets
    • ICT
      • EPOS Systems - Track orders
      • Stock Control
      • Menu Engineering - making the menu appear interesting and helps make a profitable menu.
      • Events managment - planning and booking of events.
      • Dietary Anaylsis - calculating how much a specific menu costs
      • Food Managment Systems - keeps a database of recipes and ingredients for dishes.
    • Vitamins
      • Vitamin A - Good Vision - Fish, Eggs, Dark Green Veg
      • Vitamin B - Releasing Energy from Carbohydrates - Cereals, Fish and Meat
      • Vitamin C - Fight disease and helping body to absorb iron - Oranges, peppers, tomotoes, green vegetables and potatoes.
      • Vitamin D - Calcium, Strong bones and teeth - Eggs and Oily Fish
    • Planning a Menu!
      • Colour, Flavour, Texture
        • Colourful Menus would look more appealing than Black and White.
        • Flavours shouldn't be repeated in a course or from one course to another. E.g. Mushroom soup > Stuffed Mushroom.
        • Different Textures make food appealing. E.g. A dish of minced meat, mashed potato and mushy peas won't be appealing because all the food would have become sloppy.
      • Time of Year
        • Menu could have a cold salad in the summer.
        • A hot stew in the winter.
        • Some food is seasonal - Turkey at Christmas.
      • Appeal to the Customer
        • Food at a childrens party should be full of colourful foods and be healthy and fun
        • Different foods would be appealing for different times of the day - a bacon sandwich would be more appealing than a cassorole
    • Special Dietary Requirements
      • Gluten Intolerant
        • People with Coeliac Disease can't eat a protein called Gluten.
        • Gluten is found in a wheat and other grains including Rye.
        • Foods that normally include gluten are breads, flour, cereals and pasta.
        • Coeliacs must get starch and fibre from other food like rice and potatoes.
      • Nut Allergies
        • Need to avoid food that contain nuts or have traces of nuts
        • Labels will often say if you should avoid the food.
        • Caterers would need to make sure nuts are completely seperate from food
      • Lactose Intolerant
        • Must avoid things such as milk and dairy products.
          • Vitamin D - Calcium, Strong bones and teeth - Eggs and Oily Fish
        • Can't easily digest lactose - a sugar in a milk
        • They get calcuium from foods like green leafy vegetables and salmons.
        • Often use soya milk or rice milk instead of normal milk.
  • Caterers would need to make sure nuts are completely seperate from food


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