C1 - physical impacts of ageing

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    • Cardiovascular dieseases
      • narrowing of arteres caused by accumulation of fat and cholesterol on artery walls - ARTHEROSCLEROSIS
        • blocake of arteries can lead to heart attack. partial blockage = angina. symptoms brethlessness and chest pains.
    • degeneration of the nervous tissues
      • the nerves are the only part of the body that is not replaced over time.
      • As time goes on there is  slowing down in reaction time and performance because nerve impulses are slower
      • blood flow to brain decreases with ageing - cerebrovascular diseases.
      • self repairing process slows down - slower recovery from injuries and diseases.
    • osteroarthiritis
      • thining of the bones - the wear and tear of the bones.
      • joints become stiff and painful - hips, knees, lower back hands and feet.
      • can happen to you if are overwight or someone in family has it
      • osteroasthiritis - degenerative disease that damages the joints at the end of the bones
      • osteoporosis -bones become really dense making them fragile and liable to fracture
    • degeneration of the sense organs
      • hearing and vision decreases sense of smell dims
      • cataracts - changes in lens of the eye - diabeties increases the changes of getting the disease
      • glaucoma - increase fluid pressure in eye - can cause hazzy, blurry vision or complete loss of vision
      • the fact that nerves dont regenerate means that sense as they derive from nerves
      • ALZEHEIMER'S- short term memory - unable to write, speak and read -gradually forget how to brush teeth and comb hair.
      • VASCULAR DEMENTIA - atheroclerosis - stroke causes memory loss, mood swings acting out of character
      • FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA protein builds up in brain - forehead + ears difficulties with verbal communication, loss of interest, lack of inhibits, acting out of character
      • LEWY BODY DEMENTIA collection of protien in the nerve cells - causes parkinsons SYMPTOMS hallucinations at risk of falling slow movements
    • reduced adsorption of nutrients
      • VITAMIN  D absorption of calcium in food can be obtained thorugh sunlight lack of it causes osteoporosis
      • VITAMIN Cessential for wound healing and forming and maintaining healthy tissues
      • FIBREto prevent constipation
      • they need protein rich food. they need to consume less fat and carbohydrates.
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