Health and social care Unit 1

What is the age range of infancy?
birth-2 years old
1 of 23
What is the age range of early childhood?
3-8years old
2 of 23
What is the age range of adolescence?
9-18 years old
3 of 23
What is the age range of early adulthood?
19-45 years old
4 of 23
What is the age range of middle adulthood?
45-65 years old
5 of 23
What is the age range of later adulthood?
6 of 23
Name 3 reflexes an infant will develop
glabellar reflex, snout reflex, rooting reflex, sucking reflex, grasp reflex, moro reflex, galant reflex, tonic neck reflex, babkin reflex, placing reflex and walking reflex.
7 of 23
Define gross and fine motor skills? Give an example for each.
~Gross motor skills- the development of larger muscles such as arms and legs. E.g., running, climbing, riding a bike...

~Fine motor skills- the development of smaller muscles such as fingers and toes. E.g., using a knife and fork, grasping a pen/pencil,
8 of 23
Define puberty
physical change when a child matures into an adult. They can reproduce.
9 of 23
between what age are girls more likely to enter puberty?
between 8 and 13 years old
10 of 23
Name two symptoms of puberty in women
~menstruation begins (monthly periods)
~tender breasts
~change in hips (widen)
~vagina and uterus enlarge
~ovaries begin to release eggs
~body hair (legs, armpits, pubic region)
11 of 23
between what age are boys more likely to enter puberty?
between 9 and 14 years old
12 of 23
Name two symptoms of puberty in males?
~voice breaks
~Body hair (chest, leg, facial, pubic)
~penis and testicles enlarge
~growth sperts
13 of 23
what is lactation?
when a woman releases milk from her mammary glands in the breasts.
14 of 23
Name the 2 hormones in females that are to do with menstruation and menopause
oestrogen and progesterone
15 of 23
Name the hormone found in males that are to do with puberty
16 of 23
What gender does perimenopause impact?
17 of 23
What is perimenopause?
when oestrogen levels drop and a physical change in the reproductive system begins
18 of 23
name three signs/symptoms of the perimenopause
~hot/cold flushes
~night sweats
~mood swings
~reduced libido
~vaginal dryness
19 of 23
One of the signs of menopause is 'fatigue' is that a physical or psychological barrier?
20 of 23
When you enter later adulthood, what causes your hair colour to change?
when getting older, the pigments in our hair called follicles gradually begin to die. When there are fewer follicles, the strands of hair won't contain as much melanin- meaning hair will go silver grey.
21 of 23
what is osteoporosis and what age range does it impact?
1) lower her backbone density will be.
2) later adulthood
22 of 23
why do women experience osteoperosis?
the longer the women experience a lower level of oestrogen (when in the menopause), the increase chance of developing osteoporosis.
23 of 23

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the age range of early childhood?


3-8years old

Card 3


What is the age range of adolescence?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the age range of early adulthood?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the age range of middle adulthood?


Preview of the front of card 5
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