Attribution 3

  • Created by: niamhkm08
  • Created on: 10-02-21 14:15
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      • Refers to the belief that failure is inevitable and a feeling of hopelessness when faced with a particular situation (specific learned helplessness) or groups of situations (global learned helplessness)
        • Specific - 'I am hopeless at football'. Global - 'I am hopeless at all sport'.
      • LOW achievers often attribute their failure to uncontrollable factors which lead to learned helplessness ('I am always going fail')
        • HIGH achievers are athletes who are orientated towards mastery and see failure as a learning experience who attribute failure to controllable factors. The 'need to achieve' (NACH) performers are not afraid of failure and will persist until they succeed.
      • MO is the view that an individual will be motivated by becoming an expert in skill development or sports performance.
      • An athlete who is MO will often attribute failure to internal controllable and unstable factors, such as effort, and will continue to strive to become better at the activity.
      • They seek to develop their competence by acquiring new skills and mastering new situations. They're not concerned about their performance relative to others, but rather with furthering their understanding of their sport, fitness and performance.
      • MO is the opposite to learned helplessness.
      • This can optimise sports performance.
      • It seeks to change learned helplessness into mastery orientation.
    • Many attributions that are given are subjective and therefore not desirable for future progression.
    • Attributions often need to be reassessed in order to succeed in the future. A person who fails in a task should be encouraged to attribute to controllable, unstable factors.
      • A team of 17 year old boys who have just lost a hockey match should be encouraged to give attributions such as 'try harder next week'
        • These are internal, unstable and controllable.
    • To help those who have failed and are starting to experience learned helplessness, teachers and coaches should concentrate on the positive attributions.
      • If a performer feels that they lack ability they will inevitably fail, but their attributions could be changed to having the wrong tactics or slight alteration of technique needed.
        • The performer may then be disappointed rather than frustrated and will persist with the task rather than avoid it altogether. This is ATTRIBUTION RETRAINING


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