Attributes of God

  • Created by: Catherine
  • Created on: 20-03-13 09:32
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  • Attributes of God
    • Simplicity
      • Plato and Plutarch
      • The Doctrine of Divine Simplicity
        • Aquinas
        • Augustine
        • Anselm
    • Omnipotence
      • Can God make a stone too heavy for him to lift?
    • Omnibenevolence
      • Can a good God punish?
        • Free will?
        • Romans 3 and 6
    • Ominscience
      • Does God know the future?
        • Boethius
        • Predestination?
    • Eternal
      • Timeless
        • Boethius
        • Aquinas
      • Everlasting
        • Swinburne


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