Attributes of God - 2 key approaches

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 11-05-17 19:17
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  • Attributes of God - the 2 key approaches
    • Omniscience
      • Eternal
        • He knows Past, Present and Future in one timeless moment
        • Knows things timelessly
      • Everlasting
        • Cannot see future as God's experience of time is linear
        • God can predict but not  be certain
    • Omnipotence
      • Eternal
        • Questionable whether he can interfere because God outside time and space - has no physical form?
        • Authority - Tillich would say he is the 'Ground of all Being'
      • Everlasting
        • Has power to intervene - interventionist God
    • Omnibenevolence
      • Eternal
        • What does love mean?
        • Not responsive love?
        • Prayer?
        • Holy Spirit/incarnation?
      • Everlasting
        • Loving father - Jesus
    • God of Philosophers
      • Eternal
    • God of Scipture
      • Everlasting


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