Attitudes to women

  • Created by: Katie1072
  • Created on: 13-12-16 18:51
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  • Attitudes to women
    • By 1975
      • Women now more educated - some want careers and families
        • Feel more able to be equal to men
      • Choice about family size/ getting pregnant
        • Some women felt less able to say no to sex
      • Not discriminated against in workplace by law
    • 1950's
      • Sexist behavior and attitudes (misogyny in appearance, career, education)
      • Women working once married was shameful for the husband - although marriage ban lifted
      • If working women expected to do all housework also
    • Pre-WW2
      • Little freedom, could not work once married (Marriage Bar)
    • During WW2
      • Expected to help with war effort and care for children
      • No NHS, expeced to put family's before own health




Your resources have proven to be very useful; thank you!!

just one thing though: in the 1950's branch, one of them doesn't make sense.

it looks as though you didn't finish it

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