The activities of the women societies and reaction of the authorities

  • Created by: alexda
  • Created on: 07-06-14 17:09
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  • The activities of the women societies and reaction of the authorities
    • Suffragists
      • The campaign was successful at publicising its cause but their ways were time consuming. They wanted to take more dramatic action to speed the process.
        • In 1903, Emmeline Pankhurst decided that the time had come to take more extreme action. Along with her daughter she founded the Suffragette movement.
      • By the end of the nineteenth century women began a campaign to persuade men that they should have the vote.
      • Founded by Millicent Fawcett in 1897.
    • At the beginning of the twentieth century women did not have the right to vote in British elections.
      • Women relied heavily on the all male parliament to represent their interests and decide on all the matters of the country.
      • Suffrage is the right to vote.
    • The traditional and rightful  role of women was in the home, looking after the children and supporting their husbands.
      • Women were seen as incapable,  unintelligent and too emotional to be involved in important matters as politics or business.
        • The attitudes towards women started to change as women started to rebel against the way they were treated in society.
          • Education for women improved and women could also vote in local elections that had an impact on matters of the home.
      • The ideal women according to her husband was pictured as obedient, silent, delicate, a possession, angelic and being separate to the role of her husband.


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