Ancient Medicine Mindmap

- All information came from GCSE Bitesesize, feel free to list any improvements and correct any mistakes! 

Hope this is useful :) 

  • Created by: Izz
  • Created on: 26-02-13 19:08
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  • Ancient Medicine
    • Prehistoric
      • they believed in spirits
      • they knew more than 100 herbs and substances that had healing powers
      • witch-doctors helped heal people spiritually
    • Egyptian
      • they had a settles farming community and were keen to find out more about the human body
      • they had a formal religion which inc. temples, priests and rituals such as mummification
      • they invented the skills of writing and calculations making it easier to communicate and record things
      • the invention of the channel theory
      • basic  sanitation was invented e.g latrines + baths
      • discovered papyri
      • believed that life was controlled and created by Gods
        • believed that Gods caused disease
      • good at practical first aid
      • good at surgery , however, they didn't venture inside the body
      • believed in basic cleanliness
      • The Egyptians were the first people to develop the profession of medicine.
    • Greek
      • The Greek states built up a wide trading empire
      • immensely wealthy, and developed a cultural life that included drama, comedy, sculpture, architecture, poetry, politics and public debates.
      • The Greek people developed a phonetic form of writing that was more flexible than Egyptian hieroglyphs
      • The city built by Alexander in Egypt,Alexandria, became a centre for study and learning, and was famous for its library.
      • Greek doctors began to dissect bodies
        • they found out in a systematic way about the inside of the boidy
      • The Greeks still believed in their gods but not as much as the Egyptians because they gained more scientific knowledge
        • Asclepions were built as a place of worship to the Gods and a way to relax and get better
        • Hippocrates
          • the Greeks developed the first rational system of medicine.
          • "Sickness is not sent by the gods or taken away by them. It has a natural basis. If we can find the cause, we can find the cure."
          • greek doctors took the Hippocratic Oath
      • Philosophers realised that prayers were useless against illneses e.g the plague
      • the four humours theory
      • Greek doctors became experts at practical first aid.
        • They  learned about setting broken and dislocated bones
        • clinical observation helped them to progress
      • The Greeks did not have an extensive public health system, so there were no sewers and no supplies of running water
      • they followed a programme for health
        • inc  eating  properly, washing themselves, cleaning their teeth and keeping fit
    • Roman
      • he Romans developed a huge monolithic empire. This was ruled from Rome by an all-powerful emperor, who imposed his will through a single system of laws
      • immensely wealthy, but the Romans were down-to-earth people, and their wealth flowed into practical projects, rather than into philosophy and culture.
      • baths, aqueducts and sewers
      • they brought over doctors from conquered Greece
        • the Romans did not continue the Greeks' investigations into disease and rejected Greek ideas, so Roman knowledge of disease did not progress.
        • Roman doctors became experts at practical first aid and external surgery
          • the Romans developed new surgical and midwifery instruments
          • Roman doctors did not have anaesthetics, and had only herbal antiseptics
      • Roman anatomists such as Galen had to rely mainly on dissections of animals to further their knowledge
        • Galen's books show a good knowledge of bone structure. He also studied the lungs, the muscles, the heart and blood and the nervous system.
        • Galen accepted the Greek theory of the four humoursas the cause of disease
        • Galen advocated the healing power of nature and the use of opposites


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