Ethical Theories applied to Abortion

All the ethical theories applied to abortion in brief note form. 

  • Created by: DanHealey
  • Created on: 06-05-14 19:10
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  • Abortion
    • Kant
      • Universalisation of the Maxims
      • Duty to the child
      • Using the human as a means to an end rather than a means in themselves
      • The human in later life could reach the Summum Bonum
    • Utiliterianism
      • Hedonic Calculus
        • Does it equate to pleasure?
      • Woman's control over her body
      • Whatever brings about the greatest goodness
    • Natural Law
      • Primary Precepts - Preservation of life
        • Secondary Precept - Do not abort
      • Sanctity of Life
        • Strong Sanctity of Life - Roman Carholic
          • God created humans, only he can take life away
        • Weak Sanctity of Life - Double Effect
          • Eptopic Pregnacy
            • Sanctity of Life
              • Strong Sanctity of Life - Roman Carholic
                • God created humans, only he can take life away
              • Weak Sanctity of Life - Double Effect
                • Eptopic Pregnacy
                • Christian Ethics
                  • Sanctity of Life
                  • Roman Catholics - Abortion is always wrong
                  • Created by God only he can take life away
                  • When is a foetus a person?
          • Christian Ethics
            • Sanctity of Life
            • Roman Catholics - Abortion is always wrong
            • Created by God only he can take life away
            • When is a foetus a person?


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