A balanced diet!

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  • A balanced diet!
    • Food groups
      • Proteins
      • Fats
      • Vitamins
      • Minerals
      • Water
      • Fibre
      • Carbohydrates
    • Why we need a balanced diet
      • A balanced diet provides the right amount of energy.
      • Vitamins and minerals are needed in small amounts. If you do not get enough of a vitamin or mineral you may get a deficiency disease.
      • Fibre helps prevent constipation and helps to keep the alimentary canal working.
      • Protein is needed for growth and repairing cells.
      • Carbohydrates are needed for energy and fat can be stored for energy and used for insulation.
      • Water is needed to keep the body hydrated.
    • What happens if we don't get enough of each thing
      • Lack of fibre can lead to constipation.
      • Lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to a deficiency disease such as rickets or anaemia.
      • If you miss out on any of the food groups, your body will not be able to work properly.
    • What happens if we get too much of one thing?
      • If we eat too many carbohydrates and we don't use up all the energy. Some of the energy is stored as fat.
      • A lot of dairy products and animal food contains saturated fats,too much of this can lead to high cholesterol and heart attacks.
    • Vitamins
      • Vitamin C - found in citrus fruits and raw vegetables - makes the protein collagen. Deficiency disease - Scurvy
      • Vitamin D - Found in butter and egg yolks - helps calcium be absorbed. Deficiency disease - rickets.
    • Minerals
      • Calcium (Ca) - Found in milk and other dairy products and bread, needed for bones, teeth and blood clotting. Deficiency disease - Brittle bones + teeth, poor blood clotting.
      • Iron (Fe) - Liver, red meat, egg yolk and dark green vegetables. Needed for making haemoglobin. Deficiency disease - Anaemia.
  • What happens if we get too much of one thing?
    • If we eat too many carbohydrates and we don't use up all the energy. Some of the energy is stored as fat.
    • A lot of dairy products and animal food contains saturated fats,too much of this can lead to high cholesterol and heart attacks.
  • Why we need a balanced diet
    • A balanced diet provides the right amount of energy.
    • Vitamins and minerals are needed in small amounts. If you do not get enough of a vitamin or mineral you may get a deficiency disease.
    • Fibre helps prevent constipation and helps to keep the alimentary canal working.
    • Protein is needed for growth and repairing cells.
    • Carbohydrates are needed for energy and fat can be stored for energy and used for insulation.
    • Water is needed to keep the body hydrated.
  • What happens if we don't get enough of each thing
    • Lack of fibre can lead to constipation.
    • Lack of vitamins and minerals can lead to a deficiency disease such as rickets or anaemia.
    • If you miss out on any of the food groups, your body will not be able to work properly.
  • Vitamins
    • Vitamin C - found in citrus fruits and raw vegetables - makes the protein collagen. Deficiency disease - Scurvy
    • Vitamin D - Found in butter and egg yolks - helps calcium be absorbed. Deficiency disease - rickets.


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