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    • DIET
      • BALANCED DIET: a diet that contains nutrients in amounts that are proportionate to the necessary requirements for healthy growth and activity. (Eating the right amount of the different kinds of food.)
      • The proportions of a balanced diet vary depending on the person. (e.g. an adult male would need to take a lot more than a 10 yr old boy.)
      • Malnutrition is caused by eating too much or too little of some nutrients in your diet. There could be any number of reasons for this including an unbalanced diet, absorption problems (not your fault) or there not being enough food available to you.
      • Malnutrition could lead to starvation from lack of food, obesity form over-eating, heart disease from too much extra weight gained from over eating and constipation form lack of fibre...
      • INGESTION: the taking of substances into the body through the mouth. E.g. food, drink.
      • EGESTION: the passing out of food that has not been digested as faeces through the anus.
      • DIGESTION: the break-down of large, insoluble food molecules using mechanical and chemical processes.
      • ABSORPTION: the movement of digested food molecules through the wall of the intestine into the blood of lymph.
      • ASSIMILATION: the movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body where they are used, becoming part of the cell.
      • AMYLASE: found in: salivary glands. Function: breaks down carbohydrates. substrate: starch. Products: Maltose.
      • PROTEASE (Pepsin): found in: stomach. Function: breaks down proteins into amino acids. Substrate: proteins. Products: amino acids.
      • LIPASE: found in: pancreatic glands. function: break down lipids (fats and oils). substrate: fats. Products: glycerol & fatty acids.


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