year 10 food and nutrition spring

  • Created by: 17eldrr
  • Created on: 31-01-19 15:27
function of protein
body building, growth and repair, needed to make hormones, source of energy
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deficiency of protein
body doesn't grow, infections, weak muscles
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sources of protein
dairy, eggs, soya beans, poultry game, pulses, grain
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functions of fats
protect organs, to obtain essential fatty acids, keep the body warm, energy, source of fat soluble vitamins ADEK, helps to feel full
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sources of fats
oil, dairy, meat and animal fat, nuts and seeds, oily fish
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deficiency of fats
low in vitamins ADEK, lack of protection around organs
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functions of carbohydrates
energy, helps to feel full, fibre for good digestions
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sources of carbohydrates
sugars, rice, bread, pasta, vegetables, fruit
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deficiency in carbohydrates
bad gut health, feeling hungry, bad weight control, constipation
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classification of game
venison, pheasant, rabbit
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duck, turkey, chicken, goose
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kidney, heart, liver , tongue
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classification of fish
white fish flat eg sole, round white fish eg sea bass, oily fish eg salmon or tuna. Shellfish molluscs eg scallops, shellfish crustacean eg prawns
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Card 2


deficiency of protein


body doesn't grow, infections, weak muscles

Card 3


sources of protein


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Card 4


functions of fats


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Card 5


sources of fats


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