Women in Politics #swag

women in politics, questions and answers


1. When all suffragette prisoners started to go on hunger strike, what did the authorities do to begin with?

  • They force-fed them
  • They let the women die in prison
  • They immediately released them
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. Who was the suffragette who died under the kings horse?

  • Millicent Fawcett
  • Emily Davison
  • Emmeline Pankhurst

3. By 1979 what did one woman become?

  • A Prime Minster
  • A heart surgeon
  • A pilot

4. How old did women need to be to vote?

  • 100
  • 30
  • 50

5. How many women were a member of parliment out of 650 people?

  • 45
  • 193
  • 273



lol at this #swag

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