‘The 1920s saw a revolution in the lives of American Women.’ How far do you agree with this view? (18)

  • Created by: saynuka
  • Created on: 21-01-21 12:06

‘The 1920s saw a revolution in the lives of American Women.’ How far do you agree with this view? (18)


  • Women got the right to vote and with the right to vote improved aspects of women’s lives, for example, healthcare. The Sheppard-Towner Act invested $2.6 million in maternal and infant care. In North Carolina, women voted to improve education and roads.
  • 10 million women entered the workforce, meaning women had more financial freedom.
  • Women began to have more free time due to the invention of labour-saving such as the washing machine. The increased availability of birth-control devices such as the diaphragm made it possible for women to have fewer children.
  • Traditional rules in families became more relaxed as women became the buyers for the family.
  • Due to the rise of Hollywood and flappers, it became more common for women to smoke and wear shorter dresses that were more suitable to the working lifestyle.


  • Women could not be elected as party representatives and many women were still reluctant to use their voting rights, feeling that women’s roles and men’s roles should not overlap.
  • Women still got paid significantly less than men.
  • Despite increasing opportunities in employment and politics, the concept of a ‘woman’s place’ was still as prevalent as ever. Magazines and articles were published encouraging the idea that a successful marriage is required for a woman to live a stable life.
  • Many women, especially in rural areas, still played the submissive roles in their family.


In conclusion, some women’s lives changed drastically, with increasing opportunities in education, employment and politics as well as changing ideas about women within society. Despite the limitations that remained for women such as wage gaps and traditional ideas about gender roles, I agree very far with the statement as many changes occurred which without we would not have the society and equality we have today.


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