Other questions in this quiz

2. When was the meeting on the Balkland Wars to which 'mere civilians' were not allowed to attend held?

  • 8 December 1912
  • 8 December 1914
  • 10 June 1914

3. What date did Germany go to war with Britain, Russia and France?

  • August 4 1914
  • September 1914
  • October 4 1914

4. What were the opinions of Molke and General Tirpitz and the meeting?

  • Moltke believed war to be inevitable and promoted 'the sooner the better' attitude, whereas Tirpitz was granted an 18 month delay to prepare the navy more
  • Tirpitz wanted immediate conflict but Moltke wanted more time
  • Both men wanted to wait

5. Who said that Germany was in a state of 'soldiers and war rather than citizens and law'?

  • Clark
  • Perry
  • Layton


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