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6. What triggered Germany's involvement in the war?

  • The assisination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914
  • The pressure of German leaders increased
  • The navy was ready

7. Who supported the policy?

  • Left- wing pressure groups
  • Right- winged pressure groups
  • Right- winged elites

8. Who led the policy?

  • Wilhelm II
  • Bulow, General Tirpitz and Holstein
  • Caprivi, General Tirpitz and Holstien

9. What did the Schifflen Plan on 1892 involve?

  • Trespassing through neutral Belgium to attack France
  • Fighting two battles at once
  • Dissolving the Reichstag and replacing it with the military

10. Who said that Germany was in a state of 'soldiers and war rather than citizens and law'?

  • Perry
  • Layton
  • Clark