Vietnam War - American Involvement - Statistics & Dates

How much did Eisenhower give to South Vietnam in aid?
$1.6 Billion from 1953-1959; intended to fund Asia like the Marshall Plan had funded Europe
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How did Kennedy increase US involvement in Vietnam in 1961?
Sent in 16,000 troops (advisers) to Vietnam & supported the Strategic Hamlet Program
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How did Kennedy change the leadership of South Vietnam?
Disposed of Diem and replaced him with anti-communist generals
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How were the limitations of US aid shown in 1963?
Despite US aid, the Vietcong had taken 40% of South Vietnamese countrysides by 1963
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What happened in August of 1964 which lead to the increase of US involvement in Vietnam?
The Gulf of Tonkin; North Vietnamese Torpedo boats open fired on American boats, which was seen by new President Johnson as an act of war. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which allowed American to officially join the war
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What happened in February of 1965 which lead Johnson to declare direct war against North Vietnam?
The Vietcong attacked American air bases and killed US soldiers
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When were US combat troops first sent into Vietnam, and how many?
In March of 1965, 3,500 marines were sent into Vietnam; 23,000 advisers were already in the war
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What happened in the Tet offensive of January 1968?
70,000 NLF (Vietcong) soldiers attacked over 100 targets including Saigon (capital of SV); Vietcong lost 40,000 men whereas the US only lost 3,000
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What was the effect of the Tet offensive on the American public?
Widespread worry and a huge knock in confidence; after the attack Johnson's popularity rating dropped to just 26%
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What happened in the My Lai Massacre of March 1968?
US soldiers on a search and destroy mission killed nearly 400 civilians
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How many US soldiers died, got injured and disabled?
58,202 total American deaths; 303,000 wounded; 75,000 severely disabled
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How did the Vietnam War show inequalities in US society?
22.5% of casualties were African American, but only 11% were white
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How much did the US spend in the Vietnam War?
$30 Billion a year; $400,000 for each Vietcong soldier killed
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Card 2


How did Kennedy increase US involvement in Vietnam in 1961?


Sent in 16,000 troops (advisers) to Vietnam & supported the Strategic Hamlet Program

Card 3


How did Kennedy change the leadership of South Vietnam?


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Card 4


How were the limitations of US aid shown in 1963?


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Card 5


What happened in August of 1964 which lead to the increase of US involvement in Vietnam?


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