Unit B - Human Anatomical System

  • Created by: Blodwyn
  • Created on: 03-09-17 11:39
Explain the process of the respiratory system
Air enters nose, Passes through nasal cavity, air is warmed & moistened by water vapor, goes to back of throat & to windpipe, windpipe carries air to chest where it divides into two bronchi (One into left lung & other into right lung)
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Explain the process of the respiratory system once the air reaches the lunges
The bronchus branches into bronchioles which repeatedly branch into progressively smaller & smaller tubes, air is carried to terminal bronchioles which lead to an infundibulum of alveoli. All conducting airways are lined with mucous membrane.
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What is the Alveoli?
The Alveoli is where gas exchange takes place
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With regard to the Alveoli what does Oxygen do?
Oxygen leaves the inhaled air and passes into the bloodstream
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With regard to the Alveoli what does Carbon Dioxide do?
Carbon Dioxide leaves the bloodstream and is then exhaled
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List the 4 parts that make up he upper respiratory system
Nasal Cavities, Pharynx, Larynx & Trachea
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List the 4 parts that make up the lungs
Bronchi, Bronchioles, Terminal Bronchioles & the Alveoli
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List the 4 parts that make up the digestive system
Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption & Excretion
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What is meant by Ingestion?
Chewing & Swallowing
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What is meant by Digestion?
The breakdown of food by enzymes secreted into it by the mouth, stomach and the duodenum
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What is meant by Absorption?
Absorption of the breakdown products of digestion in the small & large intestines
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List the 5 parts that make up the gastrointestinal tract
Mouth, Oesophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine & Large Intestine
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With regard to the gastrointestinal tract what does the mouth do?
Food is chewed & saliva containing enzymes is secreted. Some digestion starts.
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With regard to the gastrointestinal tract what does the oesophagus do?
Swallowed food is squeezed by muscular contractions down this tube
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With regard to the gastrointestinal tract what does the stomach do?
Acidic gastric juices are secreted from the stomach wall into the food. Digestion is in full swing. Food remains in the stomach for some time.
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With regard to the gastrointestinal tract what does the small intestine do?
Food from the stomach passes through the first part of the small intestines (duodenum) where further enzymes & bile are added. Further digestion takes place.
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With regard to the gastrointestinal tract what does the large intestines do?
Water is absorbed from the remaining material which is then collected prior to excretion
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Explain the purpose of the Circulatory System
Every cell in the body relies on a supply of oxygen and the removal of waste - The circulatory system provides this service.
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List the 3 parts that make up the circulatory system
Blood (Fluid), Heart (Pump), Blood Vessels (Pipework)
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With regard to blood, list the 2 parts that make up 100% of it
Blood Cells (45%) suspended in a straw colored liquid (Plasma - 55%)
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List the two types of blood cells
Red Blood Cells & White Blood Cells
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What is the purpose of red blood cells?
Red blood cells contain haemoglobin which provides a chemical system that enables oxygen to be transported throughout the body.
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What is the purpose of white blood cells?
There are three main types of white blood cells which together form the main defensive system in combating disease & the effects of toxic actions.
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List the 4 types of white blood cells?
Granulocytes, Lymphocytes, Monocytes & Thrombocytes (Platelets)
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Explain what Granulocytes do?
Move in & out of blood vessels and through tissues ingesting harmful micro-organisms such as bacteria
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Explain what Lymphocytes do?
Associated with the production of antibodies which neutralise the effect of recognized foreign matter
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Explain what monocytes do?
Change into Macrophages when leaving the blood & have a similar ingesting role to Granulocytes but also mediate in some of the jobs of the lymphocytes
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Explain what Thrombocytes (Platelets) do
Their main function is in the clotting of blood
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Explain the ratio of the cells in blood
500 red cells to 1 white cell to 30 platelets
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Explain what the heart is
The heart is a muscular sack situated in the chest cavity. It is divided by a septum into right & left sides which make it two pumps in one. Each side is divided into an upper & lower chamber: The atrium & the ventricle.
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What is the atrium?
The atrium receives blood
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What is the ventricle?
The ventricle distributes blood
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What controls the beating of the heat?
Nerve Impulses
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What do blood vessels do?
The blood vessels form the pipework down which blood flows as the heart pumps
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List the 3 types of blood vessels
Arteries, Capillaries & Veins
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What do arteries do?
Carry blood away from the heart
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What do capillaries do?
Form the very fine tubes that carry blood into very close proximity to the cells and tissues that require oxygen
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How long does it take for blood to flow around the entire system (Heart to Lungs, Back to Heart, Out to big toe, Back to Heart again)
20 Seconds
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What is the key function of the Lymphatic System?
Manufacture new lymphocytes in the lymph nodes.
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List the 2 main parts of the nervous system
The Central Nervous System & The Peripheral Part
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What is the central nervous system comprised of?
The brain & spinal cord
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What is the peripheral part comprised of?
Motor and Sensory Nerves
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What is the basic unit of the nervous system?
The neurone - Nerve impulses generated at one end of the neurone travel along the nerve fibre to release neurotransmitter chemicals at the other end.
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What is skin?
The skin is a complex assembly of connective tissues that forms the outer covering of the body and is continuous with the membrane lining which covers the cavities within the body.
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What is the structure of the skin comprised of?
The Epidermis & The Dermis
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What is the Epidermis?
The outermost layer of skin
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What is the Epidermis comprised of?
Horny Zone - Layers of dead cells that protect the outer surface which are continually being shed & replaced, Germinal Zone - Living cells that reproduce to form the horny zone
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What is the Dermis comprised of?
Blood Vessels, Sweat Glands, Nerve Ending, Hair Follicles & Sebaceous Glands
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What is the relationship between blood vessels and skin?
Supply oxygen & lose heat to the skin
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What is the relationship between sweat glands and skin?
Excrete sweat from the blood up onto the surface of the epidermis
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What is the relationship between nerve endings and skin?
Pain receptors, Heat Receptors & Pressure Receptors
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What is the relationship between hair follicles and skin?
Skin hair grows up through the epidermis with a muscle to the side of the hair follicle capable of contracting to make the hair stand for thermal insulation
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What is the relationship between sebaceous glands and skin?
Secrete sebum onto the skin surface where it suppresses bacterial growth
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Explain the process of the respiratory system once the air reaches the lunges


The bronchus branches into bronchioles which repeatedly branch into progressively smaller & smaller tubes, air is carried to terminal bronchioles which lead to an infundibulum of alveoli. All conducting airways are lined with mucous membrane.

Card 3


What is the Alveoli?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


With regard to the Alveoli what does Oxygen do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


With regard to the Alveoli what does Carbon Dioxide do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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