ARC 1010 key terms

ancestor of /Homo sapiens/
1 of 376
ancestor of great apes
2 of 376
primate family - present day
3 of 376
4 of 376
New World Monkeys
5 of 376
Basal Hominins
25-3.3 mya
6 of 376
Old World Monkeys
7 of 376
Lesser Apes
8 of 376
Great Apes (orang-utan)
9 of 376
Great Apes (gorilla)
7-8 mya
10 of 376
Great Apes (chimpanzee)
6-7 mya
11 of 376
Lower Paleolithic
3.3 mya-300 kya
12 of 376
Middle Paleolithic
300 kya-48 kya
13 of 376
Upper Paleolithic
48 kya-12 kya
14 of 376
Human similarity to chimp
15 of 376
Human similarity to gorilla
16 of 376
Chimp-human divergence
5-10 mya
17 of 376
Gorilla-human divergence
8-19 mya
18 of 376
Hominid in Chad
Sahelanthropus tchadensis
19 of 376
Hominids in Ethiopia
Aramis, Ardipithecus ramidus
20 of 376
Hominids in Kenya/Tanzania
Kanapoi, Orrorin tugenensis
21 of 376
Where is Olduvai Gorge
Tanzania, E of Serengeti
22 of 376
1st early human species in Olduvai Gorge
Homo habilis (1.9 mya)
23 of 376
Who else occupied Olduvai Gorge?
Australopithecine, Paranthropus boisei, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens
24 of 376
How many Hominin species
20 - 25
25 of 376
Sahelanthropus tchadensis date
26 of 376
Ardipithecus ramidus date
4.5-4.3 mya
27 of 376
Australopithecus afarensis (d8 and place)
4-3 mya, East Africa
28 of 376
3.6 mya, footprints in Tanzania
29 of 376
How many sets of footprints at Laetoli
3: big, medium, small
30 of 376
When did general cooling trend begin
3.3 mya
31 of 376
Australopithecine world dates
6/8-3.5 mya
32 of 376
Homo habilis
Hadar, Ethiopia, 2.4-1.4 mya (500=650cm3 brain)
33 of 376
What does Homo habilis mean?
34 of 376
Homo rudolfensis
1.9 mya (700-850cm3 brain)
35 of 376
Earliest stone tools
Lomekwian and Oldowan
36 of 376
Lomekwian tools (place and d8)
Lomekwi, Kenya 3.3 mya
37 of 376
Oldowan tools (place and d8)
Kadar, Gona (Ethiopia) 2.6 mya
38 of 376
Who is famous example of modern chimp knapping
Kanzi, 9 y/o captive male bonobo
39 of 376
Earliest evidence for meat access using stone tools
Dikika, Ethiopia (3.39 mya) & Herto Bouri (2.5 mya)
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The Acheulian (dates)
~1.8 mya - ~100 kya
41 of 376
Which Homos emerged in Mid Palaeo?
Homo neanderthalensis & anatomically modern Homo sapeins
42 of 376
Skeletally modern H. sapiens found when/where?
Omo Kibish (195kya), Herto Bouri (160kya), Florisbad (250kya), Klasies River Mouth (>90kya)
43 of 376
When does ev for abstract symbols appear in Levant & Africa
100 kya
44 of 376
Sites of 1st abstract symbols
Blombos Cave, Klasies River Mouth, Diepkloof rockshelter
45 of 376
How many pieces in Blombos cave showed delib. moderation
46 of 376
Name of shell beads at Blombos and their technical name
68 found, Nassarius kraussianus
47 of 376
How many eggshells in Diepkloof found intentionally marked
48 of 376
When were fossils anatomically inditinguishable from modern humans in Africa?
250 kya
49 of 376
When was arch. recognisable symbolic behaviour apparent?
100 kya
50 of 376
When did Neanderthals live?
435 kya
51 of 376
Did Neanderthals take care of the sick and elderly?
Yes - evidence in Shanidar, Iraq proves this
52 of 376
How long did Neanderthals survive in Eurasia?
100 kya
53 of 376
When were Neanderthals extinct by?
40 kya
54 of 376
When did humans and Neanderthals interbreed?
65-50 kya
55 of 376
How much Neanderthal DNA do non sub-Saharan Africans carry today?
up to 2.1%
56 of 376
Who else did humans breed with?
57 of 376
How much denisovan DNA do modern people carry?
up to 6% in Melanesians
58 of 376
When was first domestication, and of what?
Dog in Europe 30-20 kya
59 of 376
By what time were most farmers domesticating plants
12-10 kya
60 of 376
Where was 1st farming
Fertile crescent in modern Iraq, Levantine corridor, and Iranian border
61 of 376
How long was Aleppo Citadel occupied for?
8000 years
62 of 376
How old is Jericho?
11 kya, built at the beginning of the Holocene
63 of 376
How many successive settlements has Jericho had?
64 of 376
Kabaran / Epipalaeolithic 1 (dates)
20,000-13,000 BCE
65 of 376
Key site in Kabaran/Epipalaeolithic 1
Ohalo II
66 of 376
When/Where was Ohalo II
21,000 BCE, Israel
67 of 376
How many seeds and plant remains found at Ohalo II
150,000 seed and fruit specimens rep 140 individual plant species
68 of 376
Natufian / Epipalaeolithic 2 (dates and characterised by)
13,000-9,500 BCE, Sedentism
69 of 376
Key Natufian sites
Jericho, Ain Mallaha, Abu Hureyra, & Mureybet
70 of 376
Pre-pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) (d8s & char'd by)
9,500-8,500 BCE, Plants
71 of 376
Key PPNA sites
Abu Hureyra, & Mureybit
72 of 376
Pre-pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) (d8s & char'd by)
8,500-6,500 BCE, Animals
73 of 376
Key PPNB sites
Ain Ghazal
74 of 376
Pottery Neolithic
6,500-4,500 BCE
75 of 376
Key Pottery Neolithic sites
Abu Hureyra & Catal Huyul
76 of 376
Who carried out experiments on selective domestication
77 of 376
How long did Hillman say it would take to create domestic plant varieties?
200 yrs, min 20 yrs with not conscious selection of grains
78 of 376
When was Tel Abu Hureyra
11,000 BCE
79 of 376
When were Processual models for Holocene development popular?
80 of 376
What were processual models condemned as being?
"deterministic", downplaying choices of "social actors"
81 of 376
Who emphasised post-processual, household transition to nuclear family?
Ian Hodder (1990)
82 of 376
What did Hodder talk about/introduce
domestication of soc, emergence of hierarchical, delayed-return org. DOMUS
83 of 376
What era was the Glacial Maximum
84 of 376
What era was the Bolling-Allerod Interstadial
Early Natufian
85 of 376
What era was the Younger Dryas
Late Natufian
86 of 376
What era was the Early Holocene
87 of 376
What were the key variables of the last 1/2my palaeoenvironment?
termperature and rainfall
88 of 376
What is 'Normal Surplus' and who coined the phrase?
P. Halstead (1989) = keeping seeds to plant next year but producing enough to be relatively secure
89 of 376
Who said animals had secondary product value?
A Sherratt
90 of 376
Linearbandkeramik (LBK)
named after decorated pottery style, 5500-4500 BCE, Central Europe
91 of 376
What did the 'Neolithic package' include?
New: material culture, economy, ways of thinking
92 of 376
Where were New World Agricultural centres of domestication
Africa, N/S America, E & Asia, & Melanesia
93 of 376
Key agricultural sites in Mesoamerica
Tehuacan Valley & Valley of Oaxaca
94 of 376
When were first domesticates in Mesoamerica
8000 BCE (e.g. Guila Naquitz)
95 of 376
Initially used 7000BCE, appears in Guila Naquitz and Coxcatlan Caves 3,500-4,500 BCE
96 of 376
What was the original maize
97 of 376
Domestication in Mesoamerica
began 8000BCE, by 2500BCE still only ~25% of food from agro
98 of 376
When were first permanent villages in Mesoamerica
2500 BCE
99 of 376
Which direction did food production spread in Mesopotamia?
100 of 376
Which direction did food production spread in Mesoamerica?
101 of 376
Which direction of food prod spread is more rapid?
E-W bc latitudes require less evolutionary change/adaptation in domesticates
102 of 376
Who did Lord Curzon appoint as new D-G of ASI in 1902
John Marshall
103 of 376
What was John Marshall's +imp contribution to arc?
discovery of the Indus civilisation
104 of 376
When did Marshall retire?
1928, aged 52
105 of 376
Which excavation sites char'd the Indus discovery?
Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro
106 of 376
What was found in Harappan sites of interest?
Stamp seals
107 of 376
Which site was discovered in Pakistan in 1970s/80s?
108 of 376
How long was the Mehrgarh excavation?
15/16 years by J.F. Jarrige of Musee Guimet, Paris
109 of 376
What was Mehrgarh
Multi-phase neolithic community habitation on banks of Bolan river at meeting of Baluchistan highlands and Indus plain
110 of 376
Indus farming village communities
7000-4300 BCE
111 of 376
Mehrgarh period I & II was 1 of what?
50 sites in Baluchian region
112 of 376
Dev. of village farming comms and pastoral sox
4300-3200 BCE, 650 sites incl Mehrgarh III
113 of 376
When was Early Harappan
114 of 376
What do we now call the Early Harappan
Regionalisation Era
115 of 376
What expansion occurred in Regionalisation Era
Into Lower Indus Valley (Potwar Plateau, Sindh, Punjab, Haryana, N. Rajastan, Gujurat)
116 of 376
Notable pottery groupings in R. Era
Amri/Nal (SE), Kot Diji (C Indus), & Hakra (N now dried course of Ghaggar/Hakra river)
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Regionalised sites in Baluchistan
Mehrgarh and Nausharo
118 of 376
Early Harappan - Mature Harappan Transition
2600-2500 BCE
119 of 376
Early/Mature Harappan transition was...
Pt 1 of Integration Era
120 of 376
Mature Harappan (d8)
2500-1900 BCE
121 of 376
Mature Harappan was...
Pt 2 of Integration Era
122 of 376
Define Integration Era
Pd of state level control and stratification, major change in social organisation, bringing together diverse populations or large settlements
123 of 376
Key Mature Harappan sites
Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, Dholavira, Kalabangan, Amri, Lothal, Kalakot, Kot Diji
124 of 376
What ratio were standardised Mohenjo-daro bricks
125 of 376
Mohenjo-Daro (MHD) location and pop
5km from Indus, est pop 40,000
126 of 376
'Post-Urban' sites/ Localisation Era
When things started going wrong in cities
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MHD decline and end?
2200BCE (decline), ended by 2000BCE
128 of 376
When was 1st use of metals in China
4th/3rd millenium BCE (proto-dynastic period)
129 of 376
1st sites of metal use in China
Gansu and other N sites, from W (Xinjiang), to E (Liaoning and Shandong)
130 of 376
Longshan sites: Shandong
3000-2000 BCE (proto-dynastic, 3rd millenium)
131 of 376
Dynastic period: Xia
1700-1600 BCE
132 of 376
Dynastic period: Shang
Early Bronze Age 1500-1027 BCE
133 of 376
Shang dynasty sites:
Erlitou sites, Henan
134 of 376
Sanxingdui, Sichuan
Outside central plains, Shang culture, bronze figures (3m) cultural expression
135 of 376
What found in Sanxingdui?
60 tusks, 735 bronzes, 61 golds, 486 jades, turquoise, ivory, teeth, shells
136 of 376
Jinsha, W Zhou period
near Sanxingdui (now Chengdu city), inspo for Avatar
137 of 376
Zhou Dynasty
1050-256 BCE
138 of 376
W Zhou
1050-771 BCE
139 of 376
E Zhou
771-481 BCE 'Spring' and 'Autumn' periods
140 of 376
E Zhou: Warring states period
403-221 BCE
141 of 376
Qin Dynasty
221 BCE 1st Emperor
142 of 376
Han Dynasty
202 BCE - 220 CE
143 of 376
3 factors that affect dev of urban centres:
Geography & topography, Function, & Society
144 of 376
What were the 1st city states
Mesopotamia, Sumer, Babylonia, Syria, Canaan (mod Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria)
145 of 376
What proportion of early dynastic Mesopotamians lived in the city
146 of 376
What proportion of early dynastic Mesopotamian city dwellers were farmers?
147 of 376
What is larger than a city state
A territorial state
148 of 376
What hierarchies of admin centres do territorial states have
Local, Provincial, National
149 of 376
Kahun (d8s)
12th Dynasty, c.1870 BCE
150 of 376
What does Akhet-aten mean?
horizon of the sun-disc
151 of 376
Who build Akhet-aten and how long did it take?
Built by Akhenaten l8 18th Dynasty, took 5 years
152 of 376
Sesebi, Nubia (d8s)
18th Dynasty, reign of Akhenaten, c. 1350 BCE
153 of 376
Deir el-Medina d8s
1470-1100 BCE
154 of 376
Who was Deir el-Medina build for?
royal artisans at Thebes
155 of 376
What was the first large territorial state?
156 of 376
When was Kushite?
3000-1450 BCE
157 of 376
Kerma d8s
2500-1450 BCE
158 of 376
Meroe d8s
1000 BCE-500 CE
159 of 376
How many times was Kerma's 'Great Hut' rebuilt?
160 of 376
When was Meroe's 'Royal City' enclosed
161 of 376
What city states were in Greece and the Aegean world
Thebes (Greece), Kolossos (Crete), Troy (Turkey)
162 of 376
When was Greece and the Aegean world active
Middle to Late Bronze Ages
163 of 376
Mycenae d8s
Late Helladic c.1350 BCE
164 of 376
What is 'municipia'?
loyal communities rewarded, often for military service and spreads citizenship
165 of 376
What are 'ius Latii'?
Latin rights, route to roman citizenship in Italy and republican provinces
166 of 376
What are 'ius Italicum'?
rights granted to communities as if they were in Italy
167 of 376
Examples of urban centres with roman citizenship
Sabratha & Lepcis, Libya
168 of 376
What did Gaul move from and to?
from tribes to civitates
169 of 376
3 things Romans built
town enclosures, defensive units, public buildings
170 of 376
cold water plunge
171 of 376
swimming pool
172 of 376
warm water pool
173 of 376
hot water pool
174 of 376
dressing room
175 of 376
176 of 376
exercise hall
177 of 376
Est pop of Rome
1 million
178 of 376
Est pop of Carthage
179 of 376
Est pop of Cologne, Lyon
180 of 376
Gods of Sabratha
Tanit - Juno Caelestis, Baal-Hammon Saturn, El, Melqart - Herakles, Isis, Serapis
181 of 376
How did the people of Lepcis Magna die?
In a flood
182 of 376
7 types of metals:
hard/scoft, (re)shaped, wire, sharp, colour/lustre, ring/tone, (un)common
183 of 376
what are the 2 stages of the metallurgical process?
1. making metal, 2. making artefacts from metal
184 of 376
In the metallurgical process, which stage is (ir)reversible?
1. irreversible, 2. reversible
185 of 376
Examples of arc mines
Great Orme, Wales (copper); Kestel Mine, Turkey (copper and tin)
186 of 376
Define: ore
a mixture of desirable metal minerals, unwanted minerals, and 'country' (surrounding) rock
187 of 376
Define: ore deposit
bodies of rock containing sufficiently high concentrations of desirable metal minerals to be 'economically viable' to exploit
188 of 376
What is smelting
thermo-chemical conversion of mineral to metal
189 of 376
How do you smelt?
in a furnace (1200oC) using charcoal fuel
190 of 376
2 ways to make the best metal
refining, alloying
191 of 376
2 ways to make the artefact from metal
casting, forging (hot and cold)
192 of 376
What's the most important process for (non)ferrous metals
193 of 376
How do you form bronze?
mix copper with tin and remelt
194 of 376
5 Alloy properties:
lowers melting point below base, melts over range of temps, inc hardness, changes metal colour, changes metal tone/ring
195 of 376
How do you cast a metal
crucible using molten metal and mould
196 of 376
What is the Three-Age-System
Stone, Bronze, & Iron Age
197 of 376
9 steps of metallurgy:
1. 1st encounters, 2. native metals, 3. zoomorphic forms in native metals, 4. annealing, 5. melting, 6. shaping, 7. accidental smelting, 8. intentional smelting, 9. alloying
198 of 376
define: annealing
gentle heating to soften the native metal and counteract embrittlement
199 of 376
define: accidental smelting
in crucible with accidental inclusion of mineral with native metal (6-5millenium BCE)
200 of 376
define: alloying
combining metals/minerals to change properties
201 of 376
Early Bronze Age sites of alloying
Feinan, Timna, Gotlepe (Jordan, Israel, & Anatolia, Ain Bunar, Rudna Glava (Balkans)
202 of 376
Where was ev for copper smelting after 3rd mill BCE
Balkans, Iberian peninsula, Mediterranean, Indian sub-continent, China, SE Asia
203 of 376
8th mill BCE metallurgy ev
Cayonnu Tepesi, 50 copper awls, annealing
204 of 376
7th mill BCE metallurgy ev
Tell Mayzallia, Iraq, annealed copper awls
205 of 376
6th mill BCE metallurgy ev
Yarim Tepe, annealed copper; Ali Kosh, Catal Huyuk, & Feinan (Jordan) poss ****
206 of 376
5th mill BCE metallurgy ev
Turkey, Iraq, Iran ambig ev for smelting
207 of 376
4th mill BCE metallurgy ev
inc good ev for smelting, crucibles, and alloys
208 of 376
3rd mill BCE metallurgy ev
early bronze age, alloys w tin, smelting in furnaces prod ****, smelting in SE Spain and Balkans
209 of 376
2nd mill BCE metallurgy ev
copper metallurgy widespread but @ diff stages of dev
210 of 376
2000-1500 BCE metallurgy ev
1st ev for smelted iron
211 of 376
What makes a precious metal? (5)
rarity, resistance to corrosion, colour/lustre, plasticity, aesthetic
212 of 376
How does Gold occur
as native metal, doesn't require smelting
213 of 376
Earliest evidence of regular gold use
Neolithic cemetery Varna, Bulgaria
214 of 376
Varna, Bulgaria d8s
4600-4200 BCE
215 of 376
How many graves at Varna
300 discovered in 1972
216 of 376
How many gold artefacts at Varna
3000, weighing 6kg
217 of 376
What is unusual about some graves at Varna
no remains, just gold - artefact burial or gold of king buried there
218 of 376
Bronze age: Copper deposits
Balkans (Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania), the Alps, the Carpathians, central Europe (Germany, France, N Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, N Wales (Great Orme), Ireland EBA), Iberian peninsula,
219 of 376
Bronze age: tin ores deposits
Cornwall, Spain, Brittany, Sardinia, E Europe
220 of 376
Bronze age: smelting, sl*g deposits
Mount Gabriel, Ireland, Mitterburg, Alps, Balkans
221 of 376
3 Ingot shapes
plano-convex 'buns', axe-shaped, 'ox-hide'
222 of 376
Ulu Burun, Turkey d8s
LBA 1400 BCE
223 of 376
What was Ulu Burun?
shipwreck off Turkey found 1982
224 of 376
What cargo did Ulu Burun have?
10 tonnes incl 354 ox-hide copper/tin ingots, 12 plano-convex bun copper/tin ingots, other artefacts
225 of 376
Methods for disposal of bodies (7)
inhumations/burial, cremation, cannibalism, excarnation/exposed, preserved, 2ndary manipulation
226 of 376
Key themes in graves (9)
status, identity, gender, kinship, landscape of death, deviant, royal, violence/war, politics of death
227 of 376
Why human sacrifice? (9)
appease nature, misfortune, appease gods, ensure harvest/hunt, fertility, victory, protection, health, change course of event
228 of 376
Iron Age Bog Bodies (3)
Lindow Moss (Cheshire), Tollund Man (Denmark), Clonycavan Man (co. Meath, Ireland)
229 of 376
Incan period d8s
1476-1534 CE
230 of 376
Incan territory (5)
2500 miles - Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, NW Argentina
231 of 376
'Capac hucha' meaning
children, normally high status, selected to be sacrificed considered an honour
232 of 376
Who did the Incas revere
'apu' mountains inhabited by deities
233 of 376
What can cannibalism be?
ritual indication respect or disrespect or survival
234 of 376
Famous cases of survival cannibalism>
Uruguayan rugby team 1972 in Andes; Franklin Arctic expedition 1845
235 of 376
Cannibalism: Herxheim, Germany d8s
LBK 5500-4500 BCE
236 of 376
What found at Herxheim, Germany
min 500 ppl, >1000, 1906 bone fragments, 10 individuals
237 of 376
Interps of Herxheim cannibalism (4)
survival, funerary, enemies, ceremonials
238 of 376
Puebloan site, SW Colorado d8s
1150 CE
239 of 376
Puebloan site; 5MT10010 (what found?)
pithouses w human remains
240 of 376
Puebloan site; Mancos (what found?)
pithouse with disarticulated remains of 30 ppl
241 of 376
Define: deviant burials
non-normative, atypical burials diff to trad of culture
242 of 376
Define: revenant
someone who returns from the dead
243 of 376
How do people become revenants? (4)
predisposition, predestination, events, nonevents
244 of 376
How many deviant burials at Drawsko, Poland
245 of 376
Kilteasheen, Co. Roscommon, Ireland d8s
8th C
246 of 376
What did the 2 males at Kilteasheen have as anti-revenant protection
large rock in mouth perimortem,
247 of 376
Define: exchange
the movement or transfer of goods between people
248 of 376
Define: trade
the exchange of commodities, things that can be acquired in exchange for other of equal value, measured in a particular currency
249 of 376
Define: circulation
encompasses movements of goods/ppl, concepts, info, financial products, images, gossip, fame, and reputation
250 of 376
Define: interaction
refers to action/influence of things/ppl on each other
251 of 376
Define: gift exchanges
exchange of inalienable goods between non-strangers that estab qualitative personal r/ships between persons involved
252 of 376
Define: commodities exchange
exchange of alienable goods between strangers estab quantitative r/ships between objects in transaction usually expecting repayment
253 of 376
Define: barter transactions
direct transaction of goods/services for other goods/services w/out use of money
254 of 376
Define: the marketplace
the space where market transactions occur
255 of 376
Define: the market principle
goods/services sold at a price defined by S/D, ruled by mutual interest
256 of 376
Things before coinage:
cowrie shells, cacao beans, axe-monies
257 of 376
Otzi the Ice man
3300 BCE - away from home
258 of 376
What did Malinowski say about the Kula system
system where giving happens "for the sake of giving"
259 of 376
What does Mauss think gifts are
systems of "total preservations"
260 of 376
What does Mauss think gifts are imbued with
"spiritual mechanisms"
261 of 376
Gift exchange leads to a ____ between giver and receiver
mutual interdependence
262 of 376
The ______ that is not returned is a ______ because it cannot create social ties
"free" gift, contradiction
263 of 376
Who writes about alliance theory and marriage?
264 of 376
women are the ___ between two men
supreme gift
265 of 376
Define: reciprocity
transactions between individuals who are symmetrically placed, exchange as equals
266 of 376
Define: redistribution
implies the operation of some centralisation in the reception of goods, char of sox with some level of centralised control/pol hierarchy
267 of 376
Define: market exchange
specific central location for transactions, sort of social r/ship where bargaining can happen
268 of 376
What are Big Men sox combos of (econ)
reciprocity and redistribution
269 of 376
What did Renfrew introduce
chemical analysis of obsidian to identify its origin and dem the existence of long-distance exchange networks
270 of 376
Who made a list of uses for amber
Pliny the Elder
271 of 376
Royal Tomb at Qatna d8s
sealed 1340 BCE at destruction of city by Hittites, used 200-300 yrs
272 of 376
What is obsidian?
volcanic glass w unique knapping properties
273 of 376
Franchthi cave, Greece
occupied since Upper Palaeolithic
274 of 376
Melos use?
for obsidian, from 14,000 BCE
275 of 376
What does Robb (2007) argue about obsidian value
in Neolithic, value stemmed from capacity to conX ppl across lrg areas
276 of 376
Greenstone axe quarry, Mt William, Australia, why used?
not about quality of stones but exchange opp there
277 of 376
Who demonstrated the circulation of greenstone axes wasn't utilitarian
Isabel McBryde
278 of 376
____ has wide-reaching mobile patterns and exchange networks since earliest _____ occupations (__)
the andes, hunter-gatherer (c. 10,000 BP)
279 of 376
What were Incan empire staples
state farms and storage, expansive agricultural systems
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What is the name of the Incan labour tax
The Mit'a
281 of 376
What did the Incas trade long distance with
Spondylus shells
282 of 376
What are spondylus shells examples of
283 of 376
Properties of Mullu and uses
high symbolic value, used in state rituals
284 of 376
Technical term for Incan sacrificial exchange
Capacocha (Qhapaq hucha)
285 of 376
In traditional socities ____&____ does not always mean ____ power
authority & leadership, coercive
286 of 376
Define: prestige
reputation, honour, wealth, and the ability to mobilise the support of followers through a chain of obligations
287 of 376
The process of prestige often involves.....
288 of 376
Define: valuables
marks of social status that define an individual's political and economic rights in a society
289 of 376
Prestige objects carry _____ of _______
milieu, social meaning
290 of 376
What do prestige objects do to a person?
physically and metaphorically augment them
291 of 376
_____ allows ___ to be _____ in time
material object, power, reproduced
292 of 376
Characteristics of special artefacts (6)
worn/displayed, practical, 2nd use, complex prod, exotic material, magical
293 of 376
Renfrew's criteria for 'prime value' of gold(5):
personal adornment over key body parts, component in power symbols, artefacts look like gold, used sparingly, reflective etc.
294 of 376
What part of the body did gold cover in Varna
phallus - phallocarps
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The Lord of Sipan, Peru d8s
Moche culture, 100-700 CE
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Strucyre of the Lord of Sipan tomb
pyramid, Moche at the top the lords on levels
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Define: ascribed status
status from attributes over which we have no control; high status acquired through heredity
298 of 376
Define: achieved status
status as a result of personal advancement and education; high status achieved within a broadly egalitarian society
299 of 376
How can we distinguish ascribed and achieved status?
material distributed in pyramid, energy expended in funerary rituals
300 of 376
What is the name of the approach to social classification acc to 'level of evolution'?
social darwinism
301 of 376
Define: cultural complexity
the degree to which a society is internally differentiated and the interrelationships among the parts
302 of 376
Define: vertical cultural complexity
ranking positions, status, classes
303 of 376
Define: horizontal cultural complexity
division of labour, age/gender groups, political factions, kin groups, corporate groups
304 of 376
Morris' definition of cultural complexity
a measure of the scale of practices characterising societies
305 of 376
What are the 'movers' of cultural change? (5)
environmental pressure, demographics, cult infl/diffusion/migration, exchange/trade, tech innovation
306 of 376
What was the Marxist rebirth of evolutionism, and when?
Neo-evolutionism, 1950s
307 of 376
What were the theories of the neo-evolutionists? (3)
'contemporary ancestors', cross-cultural comparison, universal laws of change
308 of 376
What does BTCS stand for, and when was it popular?
Band-Tribe-Chiefdom-State model, 60s
309 of 376
Define: contemporary ancestors (Yoffee)
contemporary examples of BTCS model showing snapshots of human evolution
310 of 376
Chars of band sox
kin groups, subsistence, 30-100 ppl, 0 auth
311 of 376
Chars of tribe/segmentary sox
pan-tribal, larger pop, prestige leaders, subsistence + hunt/gather
312 of 376
Example of tribal soc
Big men
313 of 376
What exchange do Big Men engage in?
Moka exchange
314 of 376
What is Moka exchange?
men challenge each other to gifts, biggest gift giver wins, use conXs to prepare offerings
315 of 376
Chars of chiefdom sox
inc pop, sedent, agro/herding econ, central agency, inequality
316 of 376
Renfrew's chiefdom chars
ranked, redist org by chief, pop density, inc #in soc, inc residence group, + productivity, territory&border, centres, ceremonies, priesthood, attire 4 rank, econ specialisation, external war
317 of 376
What is debated as a chiefdom?
318 of 376
What did Tim Earle find about chiefdoms
chiefs emerge bc individuals seek to enhance their power and prestige in a competitive system
319 of 376
Where are Potlatches celebrated
N Pacific coast of N America
320 of 376
What does a Potlatch celebrate?
births, memorials, marriages, hereditary chief titles, induct new members, affirm ancestral names
321 of 376
What is the aim of gifts at Potlatches
to produce social capital and generate new links and legitimise the chief's authority
322 of 376
What was an exotic potlatch item said to have supernatural power
323 of 376
Hochdorf, Germany d8s
Iron Age, 500 BCE
324 of 376
What was Hochdorf?
Burial chambers in a mound, lots of cool stuff there
325 of 376
Cahokia, Mississippi d8 of change
1030 CE
326 of 376
Cahokia size
city = 3000-10,000, outskirts = 6000-40,000
327 of 376
Typologies only look at _____ and give us ____ but say nothing about _______ of that society
lowest common denominator, guidance, individual historical trajectories
328 of 376
Types of collapse
Political, regime (change),economic, cultural (decline/change)
329 of 376
__ not always the same as __, it is an ___ process
change, collapse, ongoing
330 of 376
What is the favourite example of cultural change
Classical Mayan society
331 of 376
Short period of rapid regime change
French Revolution - 25 years
332 of 376
When did France become a Constitutional Monarchy
333 of 376
When did France become a Republic?
334 of 376
What event happened in France in 1792
Execution of K/Q - Reign of Terror
335 of 376
When did France become a Directory
336 of 376
What event happened in France in 1795
Coup d'etat
337 of 376
When did France become a Consulate
338 of 376
When did France become an Empire
339 of 376
When did France restore the Bourbons
340 of 376
The Assyrian Empire d8s
max at 660 BCE, recession at 605 BCE
341 of 376
Who conquered the Assyrian empire?
Babylon and Persia
342 of 376
Alexander III of Macedon d8s
336-323 BCE
343 of 376
When was Battle of River Granikos
334 BCE
344 of 376
When was Battle of Issos
333 BCE
345 of 376
When was Battle of Gaugamela (defeat of Darius III)
331 BCE
346 of 376
When was the end of the LBA
1200-1150 BCE
347 of 376
Places experienced destruction levels (5)
Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, The Levant
348 of 376
Sites in Greece exp destruction levels:
Mycenae, Tiryns
349 of 376
Sites in Turkey exp destruction levels:
Miletos, Troy Vlh Vlla, Mersin Tarsus, Fraktin, Lidar Hoyuk, Tille Hoyuk, Norsuntepe
350 of 376
Sites in Cyprus exp destruction levels:
Enkomi, Kition, Sinda
351 of 376
Sites in Syria exp destruction levels:
Ugarit, Aleppo, Carchemish (survives?), Emar
352 of 376
Sites in the Levant exp destruction levels:
Deir Allah, Lachish, Megiddo, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Akko, Hazor
353 of 376
How many causes suggested that ended the LBA?
354 of 376
Name the suggested causes of the end of the LBA
1. Cultural decadence, 2. Barbarian invasion, 3. Iron, 4. Internal fragmentation, 5. 'Domino theory', 6. Economics, 7. Over-centralisation, 8. Famine, 9. Volcanic eruption, 10. Earthquakes, 11. Pastoralism and Nomadism
355 of 376
What were the barbarians called who ended LBA
'sea peoples'
356 of 376
From sources, who is said to be the foreign soldiers (barbarians) involved
C19 texts: Ramesses III, Sherden, Shekelesh, Peleset, Tjekker, Denyen, Weshesh; end C19 texts: Merneptah, Shardana, Shekelesh, Lukka, Tursha, Ekwesh
357 of 376
Who are identified as the 'sea peoples' (3)
Phrygians, Dorians, Libyans
358 of 376
When did Hekla, Iceland, erupt?
1159 BCE
359 of 376
When did problems in the Hittite empire begin?
during the reign of Ramesses II following battle of Qadesh
360 of 376
When were the 'Dark Ages'
1200-1000 BCE
361 of 376
Where did the Dark Ages affect the arc of? (6)
Greece, Crete, Anatolia, Syrian Coast, Canaan/Palestine, Nubia(?)
362 of 376
Where didn't the Dark Ages affect the arc of? (3)
Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia
363 of 376
Greece: DA d8s
364 of 376
Who were the N groups of Neo-Hittites/Arameans (8)
Tabal, Kammanu, Hilakku, Quwe, Gurgum, Kummuh, Carchemish, Sam'al
365 of 376
Who were the S groups of Neo-Hittites/Arameans (8 (9))
Bit Gabbari, Bit-Adini, Bit-Bahiani, Unqi/Pattina, Ain Dara, Bit Agusi, Hatarikka-Luhuti, Hamath, (Damascus)
366 of 376
What is the problem with the Nubian 'DA'
ignores imperial collapse, Egyptocentric, racist
367 of 376
Paradigm of Post-New Kingdom Nubia: Lower Nubia
decline, abandoned end 20th Dynasty, no arc
368 of 376
Paradigm of Post-New Kingdom Nubia: Upper Nubia
ceases ot be Egyptian, 0 till Kurru cemetery c. 850
369 of 376
According to archaeological evidence no evidence after _____ of ____ exists (_____)
20th dynasty, Egypt, (1079-300 BCE)
370 of 376
Define: archaeological dustbin
places where people put material/site/bits of sites/graves/assemblages they don't u/s in a hole
371 of 376
Who had racialised views of the Nubian cultural changes
372 of 376
What was Reisner's theory of Nubian cultural change?
experienced cult high when invaders from N, experienced cult decline when invaders from S
373 of 376
Why was Reisner wrong?
When he excavated a grave w 0 in it, he assigned it to S invaders, ignored evidence in favour of his own views
374 of 376
What did Reisner call el-Kurru
miserable little heaps of ruins
375 of 376
What did Reisner call el-Kurru
miserable little heaps of ruins
376 of 376

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