Unintentional and intentional

Abbotts Hall Farm: location
Black water estuary, Essex, south east england
1 of 27
when did it happen
4th Nov 2002
2 of 27
places wall breached
5 places
3 of 27
how much was flooded
80ha of farm land
4 of 27
what is the coast eroded by?
coastal squeeze
5 of 27
what happens to the salt marsh
dies back, eventually all is eroded away
6 of 27
how much was the coast being eroded away?
7 of 27
how much does the sea wall cost?
£500,000 every 20yrs
8 of 27
create new salt marsh habitat
9 of 27
why was the the time carefully chosen?
so it wouldn't disrupt the fauna
10 of 27
what was moved to a different area?
11 of 27
what happened after 6 months?
80ha of pioneer salt marsh
12 of 27
what reduced when the sea wall was breached?
erosion due to coastal squeeze reduced
13 of 27
how much of the salt marshes were being eroded?
14 of 27
where did the beach reduce pressure?
surrounding areas of Abbotts Hall Farm
15 of 27
intentional success, loss of jobs, benefits outweigh losses
16 of 27
Dredging, suspension kills fish
17 of 27
how long did it take coral to grow back
2 years
18 of 27
how much of the coral was moved
19 of 27
how much was killed
2.5 million miles squared
20 of 27
how much was killed by the Palm alone
1 million
21 of 27
what were beaches starved of
22 of 27
by how many degrees did LSD change
23 of 27
what the impact of LSD changing direction
Increased erosion
24 of 27
what was altered
tidal flow
25 of 27
what happened to the water
became stagnant, saline water= eutrophication
26 of 27
what did eutrophication lead to
decrease in biodiversity
27 of 27

Other cards in this set

Card 2


when did it happen


4th Nov 2002

Card 3


places wall breached


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


how much was flooded


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the coast eroded by?


Preview of the front of card 5
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