7.1 Globalisation

The movement of money for the purpose of investment, trade or to produce goods/ services.
Capital flows
1 of 10
National economies, societies and cultures have become increasingly integrated through the global network of trade, communication, transportation and immigration
2 of 10
The exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders. Inbound trade is defined as imports and outbound trade as exports
International trade
3 of 10
An acronym to identify a group of four countries whose economies have advanced rapidly since the 1990’s (sometimes South Africa is added to this list making in 5)
4 of 10
Refers to a loss of income from an economic system. It most usually refers to the profits sent back to their base country by transnational corporations
5 of 10
An acronym referring to the more recently emerging economies
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A system of standardised transport that uses containers to transport goods.
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A policy by governments to impose restrictions on trade in goods and services with other countries
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A tax or duty placed on imported goods with the intention of making them more expensive to consumers so that they do not sell at lower price than home-based goods
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A manufacturing operation (plant or factory) located in free trade zones in Mexico, usually near the US-Mexico boarder.
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Card 2


National economies, societies and cultures have become increasingly integrated through the global network of trade, communication, transportation and immigration



Card 3


The exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders. Inbound trade is defined as imports and outbound trade as exports


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Card 4


An acronym to identify a group of four countries whose economies have advanced rapidly since the 1990’s (sometimes South Africa is added to this list making in 5)


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Card 5


Refers to a loss of income from an economic system. It most usually refers to the profits sent back to their base country by transnational corporations


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