Coasts 4. How does human activity cause change within coastal landscape systems?

  • Created by: DanBish
  • Created on: 04-05-22 14:15
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  • How does human activity cause change within coastal landscape systems?
    • Human activity intentionally causes change within coastal landscape systems
      • Sandbanks
        • Management Strategies
          • Sea Wall - Large wall to protect beach from erosion from high energy waves, however can reflect energy back onto the beach, increasing erosion
          • Groynes - Large wall put in the sea, controlling longshore drift, allowing beach to be maintained at relatively low cost, but coast up-drift will have less sediment, so erosion rates may increase
          • Rock Armour - Large amounts of rocks put on the beach, reducing erosion rates by breaking up waves, reducing the power of them
          • Sand dunes - Large mounds of sand that shelter the coast from high energy wind and waves coming in from the sea
        • Intentional impacts on flows of materials
          • These four methods of beach management reduce the amount of energy in the wind and waves that is hitting the coastline, and so reduce the flow of materials off of the beach, into the sea, maintaining the sediment on the coast.


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