unification of germany - the diet

a quiz highlighting why unification was difficult in 1815 - 48 focusing on the structure of 'the diet'


1. who attended 'The diet'

  • representatives chosen by the empereror
  • people who were selected by the state to protest for change
  • representatives chosen by individual princes
  • individuals chosen by kings
  • people who have won 'the hunger games'
1 of 6

Other questions in this quiz

2. how were the laws passed?

  • universally
  • with the agreement of the minority
  • chosen by the emperor - representatives only were there to give the empereor help

3. Austrian Ambassador was president?

  • True
  • False

4. what did it lack

  • protests
  • contest
  • army and civil service
  • money
  • representatives

5. what did it limit?

  • riots
  • freedom of press, associating and protests
  • freedom of toilet breaks
  • its choice of representatives


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