unification of germany - other factors making it impossible for unification

highlighting the other factors that made unifying germany incredibly hard


1. what percentage was the population who lived in towns

  • 25%
  • 19%
  • 10%
  • 90%
  • 5%
1 of 14

Other questions in this quiz

2. the lack of industrialisation that caused unifying germany hard

  • True
  • False

3. what was Austrias population that made it immensly powerful?

  • 2 million
  • 3 million
  • 25 million
  • 10 million

4. what did act like that affected Prussia uniting the smaller states

  • it ignored the attempts to unify
  • deterrent
  • it helped them

5. what did Austria favour?

  • a tight and strong confederation
  • chocolate icecream with chocolate sprinkles
  • A loose confederation
  • absolute rule


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