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6. what did Prussia have that made it have industrail power

  • the zollervien
  • the land east of the Rhineland
  • lots and lots of people who lived in towns
  • the land west of the Rhineland
  • lots of railways

7. what was Prussia's population

  • 4 million
  • 5-10 million
  • 1 million

8. what was the divide between Austria and Prussia

  • east supported manu and the west chelsea
  • junker dominated east, and the liberal, modern industrialised west
  • the paupers and the aristocrats
  • the junker west and the industrialised east

9. were the junkers agaisnt or with change?

  • didnt care
  • agaisnt
  • with

10. who were the junkers loyal too?

  • the individual monarchs
  • Prussia
  • themselves
  • the emporer
  • Austria

11. who did the catholics look too?

  • Austia
  • the indidual monarchy
  • Prussia
  • Italy

12. who did the Protestants look too?

  • Individual monarchy
  • Austria
  • Prussia
  • Italy

13. why was cultural dissunity an opposing factor to the unification

  • too much tension bewteen the non germans and the germans
  • many non-germans lived in the constitution and some states were ruled by a non - german confederation
  • loads of riots and protests evolved
  • many germans hated eachother

14. the civil service were mainly aristocrat and were loyal to the monarchy

  • yay
  • nay
  • loyal to no-one but themselves