Understanding the UK care system

The aquisition or purchasing of care services on behalf of a local population of people
1 of 11
Eligibility criteria
The requirements or standards that must be met before a person is provided with a care service
2 of 11
Informal care/sector
Care that is provided by relatives and friends on an unpaid basis, outside of the professional care system
3 of 11
Independent sector
A collective term for private and voluntary care sectors
4 of 11
Internal market
A 'market' in care services that was introduced in the 1990s to promote competition between statutory and other care providers
5 of 11
Mixed economy of care
A care system that combines public, private, voluntary and informal sector provision. Each of these types of care are funded in a different way hence 'mixed economy'
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Private care/sector
Care services that are provided to people who are willing and able to pay for them
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Provider organisation
A care organisation that delivers care services directly to service users
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Purchaser organisation
An organisation that commissions or buys care services on behalf of an individual or group of people
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Statutory care/sector
Care services that have to be provided by law, e.g. NHS trusts
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Voluntary care/sector
Care services that are provided, free of charge or for a small, subsided fee by non-profit making organisations
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Card 2


The requirements or standards that must be met before a person is provided with a care service


Eligibility criteria

Card 3


Care that is provided by relatives and friends on an unpaid basis, outside of the professional care system


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A collective term for private and voluntary care sectors


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A 'market' in care services that was introduced in the 1990s to promote competition between statutory and other care providers


Preview of the back of card 5
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