UCAS Geography

What is income per capita?
income of a group of people
1 of 19
What is GDP?
measures total output of goods and services by a whole country
2 of 19
What is purchasing power parity?
measures prices in different countries and compares purchasing power
3 of 19
What is GNP?
Measures output produced by countries citizens both abroad and domestically
4 of 19
What is development?
the improvement in quality of life of a country's population
5 of 19
What is a single indicator?
an indicator that considers one variable
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What is a composite indicator?
an indicator that considers more than one variable
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Why might data not be reliable?
data changes constantly, some counties cannot collect accurate data
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What does the clark fisher model show?
chnages in employment over time
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What are some ethical and environmental concerns caused by globalisation?
exploited labour, low income for primary sector jobs, excess of resources used and wasted, climate change
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What is localism?
goods grown locally
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What are transition towns?
towns that encourage the growing of their own food
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What is fairtrade?
guaranteed prices for farmers, sustainable income
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What is the forest stuardship council?
organisation that puts their logo on ethically produced wood, which does not damage the enviroment
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What are recycling schemes?
local towns encouraging use of coloured bins, 'Keep Britain Tidy'
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What factors increase migration?
open borders in EU, FDI, humanitarian crisis, deregulation of job market
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Examples of migration tensions?
Brexit 2016, extremist anti-immigration parties, Wall between Mexico and USA
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How is globalisation being limited?
No internet access in north korea, china censored internet, Australian points based immigration system, trade protectionism of oil in USA
18 of 19
Example of group against globalisation and culture diffusion
First Nations of Canada, indigenous group, government funded, native language, educational centre
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is GDP?


measures total output of goods and services by a whole country

Card 3


What is purchasing power parity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is GNP?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is development?


Preview of the front of card 5
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