Types of conformity and explanations of conformity

What is conforming?
Where an individual chooses a course or action that is favoured by the majority of the other group
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Name the three types of conformity proposed by Kelman
Compliance , internalisation, identofication
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Explain Compliance
Going along with group to gain approval-avoid disapproval. When engaged with other views, may engage in social comparison. Fitting it motivates conformity, as its desirable for humans. Does not change persons internal attitudes, only views and behaviours
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Explain internalisation
Going along with group due to acceptance of their views. When exposed to other views, individuals may engage in a validation process, examining their own beliefs to see if they or others are right. Close examination may reveal that they are wrong and grou
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When is internalisation more likely
If group is trustworthy, if individual has accepted views in the past. Can lead to acceptance privately or publicly
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Explain identification
Some cases people accept influence because they want to be associated with particular group or person. By adopting the attitudes and behaviours of others they feel more apart of another group
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What are the aspects of identification
Compliance and internalisation as the individual accepts attitudes and behaviours they are adopting as rigjt and true. Purpose is to be accepted as member of group. child starting smoking to be cool kid.
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What is normative social influence ?
Following crowd in order to be accepted, but not actually accepting their pov. Usually refereed to as compliance
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What forms the basis of normative social influence
Humans are a social species and have a fundamental need for social companionship and constant fear of rejection.
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What are the important conditions for normative social influence.
Individual must believe that they are under surveillance from a group. people tend to conform to majority position in public but do not internalise this view.
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What is informational social influence
When we accept majority viewpoint as its most likely to be right.
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What are the conditions for informational social influence
More likely if situation is ambiguous and when others are experts.
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Why is informational an example of internalisation
Cos it involves changing both public and private attitudes and behaviours.
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hard to distinguish between compliance and internalisation
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another weakness
normative social influnece sometimes isnt detected- ppl may not recognise influnece of others in their behaviour.Nohlan supports this claim. ppl said ppl hsad no impact, results showed different
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there is research support for normative influence, us research from perkins has suggested it has important role in shaping our behaviour. Perkins found when teens exposed to message that most ppl their age dont smoke, less likely to smoke
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the three types of conformity proposed by Kelman


Compliance , internalisation, identofication

Card 3


Explain Compliance


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain internalisation


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When is internalisation more likely


Preview of the front of card 5
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