Types and Explanations of Conformity

Change in a person's behaviour/opinions as a result of pressure from a person/group.
1 of 6
Taking on the majority view because it is accepted as correct. It leads to a permanent change in behaviour, even when the group is absent.
2 of 6
Acting in the same way as the majority because the majority is valued and there is a want to be a part of it.
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Superficial conformity, outwardly acting and sharing the same views as the majority group, but privately disagreeing. Behaviour changes only when the group is present.
4 of 6
Informational Social Influence
Agreeing with the majority out of the belief it is correct, and the want to be correct.
5 of 6
Normative Social Influence
Agreeing with the majority out of a need to be accepted, liked or avoid social disapproval.
6 of 6

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Card 2


Taking on the majority view because it is accepted as correct. It leads to a permanent change in behaviour, even when the group is absent.



Card 3


Acting in the same way as the majority because the majority is valued and there is a want to be a part of it.


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Card 4


Superficial conformity, outwardly acting and sharing the same views as the majority group, but privately disagreeing. Behaviour changes only when the group is present.


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Card 5


Agreeing with the majority out of the belief it is correct, and the want to be correct.


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