Tsunami: Indonesia and the Asian Tsunami

When did the earthquake occur?
26th December 2004
1 of 20
How high was the wave?
2 of 20
How fast was the wave travelling?
3 of 20
How many people were declared dead or missing?
220 000+
4 of 20
How far did the wave travel from the epicentre of the earthquake?
5 of 20
What was the magnitude earthquake that started the wave?
6 of 20
How many houses were destroyed in total?
500 000
7 of 20
How many people were displaced?
2 million
8 of 20
How much was pledged within a week from worldwide?
£450 million
9 of 20
What resources did cargo planes bring in aid?
Blankets and medicenes
10 of 20
What were troops sent to do?
Clear bodies into mass graves using bulldozers
11 of 20
Which place had the highest death toll?
Sri Lanka
12 of 20
In Thailand, what was damaged the most?
Tourist beaches and resorts
13 of 20
How many people were left homeless in Sri Lanka?
1 million
14 of 20
In the Province of Aceh in Indonesia, what was the only building left standing after the tsunami hit?
A mosque
15 of 20
What are all the countries that were affected by the tsunami?
16 of 20
How many people died in Sri Lanka?
32 300
17 of 20
How many houses were destroyed in Sri Lanka?
97 000
18 of 20
How many people died in Thailand?
19 of 20
How many houses were destroyed in Thailand?
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How high was the wave?



Card 3


How fast was the wave travelling?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many people were declared dead or missing?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How far did the wave travel from the epicentre of the earthquake?


Preview of the front of card 5
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