Tourism- Glossary

  • Created by: Jordss
  • Created on: 15-04-14 16:27
A type of tourism that focuses on protecting the environment and the local way of life-Also known as green tourism
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Butler Model
Life cycle of a tourist area or resort. *exploration *involvement *development *consolidation *stagnation *rejuvenation or decline
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Carrying capacity
Level of tourist activity that will be sustained long term without problems for people or the environment
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Location that attracts lots of tourists, bcause of their numbers it creates pressures on the environment and people
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Mass tourism
Tourism on a large scale to one country or region. Relating to development and consolidation on the Butler Model
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National Park
A natural are of land or sea to *exclude exploitation *protect ecological integrity *provide recreational opportunities
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Personal responsibility for looking after the environment
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Careful and planned use of resources to manage and maintain the environment for future generations
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Card 2


Life cycle of a tourist area or resort. *exploration *involvement *development *consolidation *stagnation *rejuvenation or decline


Butler Model

Card 3


Level of tourist activity that will be sustained long term without problems for people or the environment


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Card 4


Location that attracts lots of tourists, bcause of their numbers it creates pressures on the environment and people


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Card 5


Tourism on a large scale to one country or region. Relating to development and consolidation on the Butler Model


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