Topic 6.6

Within physiological limits
blood ph, Co2 & glucos concentration, body temp.
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When variables decrease/increase
Adjsut through negative feedbakc, HOMEOSTASIS
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controlled by hormones
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secreted by different glands, part of endocrine system. Travels through bloodstrem to target tissue.
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Thyroid gland. Acts on all cells. Enters nucleus, increases transcription rate. more mRNA and proteins formed. Increased metabolism and body temp.
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By adipose tissue (fat tissue) Targets hypothalamus. Inhibit appetite. Excess adipose and leptin makes hypothalamus desentize to leptin
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Pineal Gland. Targets the brain. Control 24. hour cycle. Circardian rhytm. Production peaks 02-04. Production disturbed by bad sleep or working night shifts.
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Insulin & Glucagon
Regulates glucose levels in blood. Produced in pancreas. glucose levels must be constant. Cell respiration 24/7, but not intake of food.
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Too high glucose levels
B-cells in pancreas activated. Produce insulin, targets all tissues. . Glucose protein channels in cell, enter through facilitated diffusion. Insulin allows glucose to enter liver. Glucose converted into glycogen, is stored.
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Too low glucose levels
A- cells in pancreas activated. Produce glucagon. Targets liver and muscle tissue. Glucagon stimulates hydrolysis of glycogen into glucose.
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Too high glucose levels. Type 1 or 2.
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Diabetes Type I
B- cells not produce enough insulin. Autoimmune disease. Immune system attacks its own cells. Controlled by insulin injection
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Diabetes Type II
Cells desensitize insulin. B- cells produce less insulin. Triggered by bad diets, bad exercise or age &genes. Controlled with diet.
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Fertilization. Haploid male gamete (sperm) + hploid female gamete (egg) meets.
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Anatomy of vagina
Oviduct, ovary, uterus, urinary blader, cervix, vagina. vaginal opening.
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Anatomy of penis.
Seminal vesicle, urinary bladder, erectile tissue of penis, urethrea, testicles, epidymis, vadeference, serotum, prostate gland
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Biological gender
Sex chromosomes. X & Y. controlled by hormones.
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Y- Chromosome
Genes located on the single Y stimulates production of testes. Testes produce large amounts of testosterone.
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Two X chromosomes
ovaries produce much estrogen & progesterone. Testes & ovaries, producd from same tissue.
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Secondary Sex characteristics
Hormones during puberty. Female: Breasts, pubic & underarm hair, Men: Hair everywhere, bigger larynx, increased muscle mass, bigger penis.
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Menstrual Cycle.
(on notes)
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Birth control pills
keep estrogen & progesterone lvels high. GnRh not produced. No Graafian follicles & ovulation.
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In vitro fertilization. egg harvestd from ovaries. Hormone therapy, stimulates superovulation. *********** in container, harvested eggs mixed with sperms in culture dishes. Embryos frozen or implanted in uterus.
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Card 2


When variables decrease/increase


Adjsut through negative feedbakc, HOMEOSTASIS

Card 3




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