Theoretical views of media representations marxism

What are the names of the two forms marxists view society?
Superstructure- Ideology and Base- production
1 of 10
How does superstructure and Base link into one another?
Superstructure to base maintains and shapes while base to ** shapes and maintains
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What are some examples of Ideology?
Law, education, family, media, philosophy, art and politics
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What are some examples of production?
Tools, machines, resources, factories and land
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There are relations of the two and one of them is lumpen- pole, what is this?
It is the lowest types of proletariat. Originally used in marxist theory to describe those members of the proletariat especially crminals.
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How does media help create false class consciousness?
It stops challenging unequal systems and accepts the ruling class.
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What is hegemony?
It is a term used to describe that the world view of the dominant class and present it in such a way that they accepts the 'common sense' and sensible way of the world.
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How do new marxists feel about media?
They say that media is strengthening the ruling class hegemony as they have such a wide reach in society/
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What is the neo marxists argument for media?
They say that media professionals promote the ruling class hegemonic ideas because they themselves have similar norms and values of the dominant culture in society. They argue that social groups are threatening to white middle class males as they are marg
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What did Stuart Hall do/say?
He said the media operates in three stereotypes: The native, the clown or entertainer and the slave.
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Card 2


How does superstructure and Base link into one another?


Superstructure to base maintains and shapes while base to ** shapes and maintains

Card 3


What are some examples of Ideology?


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Card 4


What are some examples of production?


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Card 5


There are relations of the two and one of them is lumpen- pole, what is this?


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