The Weimar Republic 1919-1923

A quiz on The Democratic Experiment that was the years 1919-1929 of Weimar Germany

  • Created by: LJ
  • Created on: 30-05-13 09:36

1. Give one way Ebert helped the Weimar Republic solve its early problems.

  • He didn't lead the call for general strike in Berlin for the Kapp Putsch
  • He ruled under article 48 in the Munich Putsch, controlling the situation
  • he didn't act ruthlessly against the Spartacists
1 of 12

Other questions in this quiz

2. How many political assassinations were there 1919-1922?

  • 340
  • 354
  • 376
  • 22

3. Risings from the right included the Munich Putsch and the Kapp Putsch, but when did the left uprise?

  • Spartacist uprising, Jan 1919. KPD uprisings in Hamburg March 1921 and October 1923.
  • KPD uprising, Jan 1919. Spartacist uprisings in Hamburg in March 1921 and October 1923

4. When was the Rentenmark introduced?

  • December 1923
  • December 1921
  • March 1923
  • August 1924

5. When was Stresemann appointed Chancellor?

  • 12th November 1923
  • 12th August 1923
  • 12th September 1923
  • 12th July 1923


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