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6. When was the Rentenmark introduced?

  • August 1924
  • December 1923
  • March 1923
  • December 1921

7. When did hyperinflation occur?

  • 1923
  • 1922
  • 1919
  • 1929

8. In 1923...

  • public spending was above income tax
  • Germany had cleared all debt from the war
  • Germany was meeting all reparations payments
  • agriculture was at its finest

9. Risings from the right included the Munich Putsch and the Kapp Putsch, but when did the left uprise?

  • Spartacist uprising, Jan 1919. KPD uprisings in Hamburg March 1921 and October 1923.
  • KPD uprising, Jan 1919. Spartacist uprisings in Hamburg in March 1921 and October 1923

10. How many political assassinations were there 1919-1922?

  • 376
  • 340
  • 354
  • 22

11. How much did the Treaty of Versailles say Germany had to pay in reparations?

  • £66 billion
  • £6600
  • £66 million
  • £66 000

12. Who was the Stinnes-Legion agreement between?

  • Walther Ratheneau and the people
  • Unions and Industrialists
  • The judiciary and the Reichstag
  • The Chancellor and the army