The USA Economy1919-29

  • Created by: Gabrielle
  • Created on: 15-01-13 13:41
Making goods that have standardized parts to make them quicker and cheaper to assemble.
Mass production
1 of 5
Part of the US government that make the laws consisting the house of representatives and the senate.
2 of 5
Buying something by paying a small part of the price at first but then paying the rest of the price in regular payments
Hire purchase
3 of 5
The policy of not becoming involved in the affairs of other countries
4 of 5
The policy of not interfering in the way people run their business and not providing welfare or care for those who are poor or have other social problems
Laissez faire
5 of 5

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Card 2


Part of the US government that make the laws consisting the house of representatives and the senate.



Card 3


Buying something by paying a small part of the price at first but then paying the rest of the price in regular payments


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Card 4


The policy of not becoming involved in the affairs of other countries


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Card 5


The policy of not interfering in the way people run their business and not providing welfare or care for those who are poor or have other social problems


Preview of the front of card 5


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